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The Idea of Internationalism and the Working Class

(Original title: Idea internacionalismu a dělnická třída)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 229-244.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions - To the 30th Anniversary of the Liberation
Publication language: Czech
The question of the relation of the general and the special, the international and the national in the history of philosophy and in the contemporary philosophical thinking becomes today a battlefield of ideologies between Marxism-Leninism and bourgeois philosophy inclusive of various rewisionist and anti-commnnist conceptions that want to discredit Marxism and namely Leninism as international teaching. Socialism is incompatible with national separation. It is an international union and can fully develop only as consequential internationalism. The relation of the international and the national acquires a new form after the victory of the working class. As far as the philosophical aspect is concerned, socialist internationalism sigmifies the fact that the Marxiist-Leninist philosophy generalizes all social practice of this or that particular epoch, first of all the practice of the working class movement in its world scale, and that it faces the results of all scientific knowledge. This universality and versatility of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy adds its international character. The contemporary revisionists reviving the idealistic conception of the development of society as an expression of various mental types try to include Marxism essentially into bourgeois thinking, while they falsify Leninism as a limited, narrowed variant of Marxism. The attempts at a „nationalization“ of Marxism lead to its betrayal and culminate in anti-sovietism and anti-communism. Nationalism is incompatible with the very substance of the scientific view-of-the-world and the fight against it as well as the fight against revisionism and opportunism is the basic condition of the preservation of the scientific character and creative development of the Marxis-Leninist philosophy. The internationalism of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy is a reflection of objective material processes in the life of the soci.ty and therefore it has always a concretely historical character. The development of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy has more and more depended on the experiences and knowledge of all socialist countries, first of all the Soviet Union It is on this elaboration that the international responsibility of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy also depends.
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