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Publication Details

The Influence of Aristotelianism on the Explanation of Action by Thomas Aquinas and Raymund Lullus

(Original title: Vplyv aristotelizmu pri vysvetľovaní konania u Tomáša Akvinského a Rajmunda Lulla)
Filozofia, 66 (2011), 1, 11-23.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

The paper examines the influence of aristotelianism on the explanation of action by Thomas Aquinas and Raymund Lullus. The main focus is on the basic elements of this influence, on the originality of the thought of Thomas Aquinas and Raymund Lullus, on their different interpretations of action in comparison with aristotelianism, and on reasons leading to different ways of accepting aristotelianism.


Human action, Aristotelianism, Thomas Aquinas, Raymundus Lullus, Free will, Intention

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