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Philosophy as Grotesque: The Case of Nietzsche

(Original title: Philosophy as Grotesque: The Case of Nietzsche)
Filozofia, 69 (2014), 6, 503-513.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: English

Reading philosophy through the figuration of the grotesque might provide us with an ontology that embraces change, fluidity, and disorder. In my estimation, such ontological framework gives rise to an epistemology that stands out for an incapacity to represent and be represented via classical tools of philosophy. I will argue that Nietzsche conceived of philosophy precisely in this fashion. Viewing Nietzsche through the lens of the grotesque, thus, holds the promise for enhancing our understanding of his style, outlook, and overall philosophy. More specifically, insights may be gleaned on different features of his work by comparing them to facets of a ‘grotesque theory,’ as the latter presents philosophy the way Nietzsche sought: as exceeding, ambiguous, unstable, eclectic, and heterogeneous.


Bakhtin, Embodiment, Excess, Grotesque, Nietzsche

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