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Volume 41 (1986), 2


(Original title: Človek, sloboda, ideológia)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 113-119.
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Papers - Philosophical Problems of Man and Society

(Original title: Sloboda a jej aspekty)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 120-131.

Gnoseologic advancement in the solution of philosophic problems of freedom was achieved by the classics of Marxism-Leninism only due to the fact that they took into account fundamental aspects by means of which it was possible to identifity the basic historical-social and class-political determination of freedom. In this connection attention is paid to the… Read more

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(Original title: O komponentoch a štruktúre politického vedomia)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 132-142.

The growth and deepening of socialist democracy and perfectioning of the function of the political system of socialist society in contemporary period of its development makes it neses'sary to reflect adequately these processes in the sphere of philosophy and theory in general. In philosophy it means above all adequate reflection of the content of the category „… Read more

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(Original title: K problematike všestranne rozvinutej osobnosti v klasickej nemeckej filozofii)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 143-155.

The founders of scientific communism expressed the idea of the all-round developed personality in a differentiated conceptual structure. In the paper the filiation of this structure in the works of the German classical philosophers is searched. I. Kant explained the idea of antagonism as a dominant cause of development of human gifts. Development of all human… Read more

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(Original title: Racionálne podnety rozvoja vedeckej etiky v Hegelovom diele)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 156-166.

Hegel’s contribution in the history of ethical doctrines as well as his significance for Marxist ethics is that he effectuated destruction of sheer normative, deductive ethics („ethics of Sollen). The latter approach dominated especially in the moral philosophy of Kant and Fichte. Though Hegel effectuated this destruction from the standpoint of objective idealism… Read more

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(Original title: Duchovno-praktická komplementarita morálky)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 167-178.

Morale is a historical-social phenomenon which appears in the totality of social life as dialectical unity of the spiritual and the practical, objective and subjective, ideal and material, desireable and existing. In the paper this twofold character of morale is analyzed from the Marxist viewpoint, on the base of the dialectical contradictory unity and certain… Read more

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(Original title: K aktuálním problémům výstavby marxisticko-leninské teorie kultury)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 179-196.

The author focused his attention on three irmerly bound spheres, of problems and concludes: 1. Marxist-Leninist theory of culture [or culturology) is one of the products of integrative and differential processes in contemporary science; it is constituted as a scientific discipline of the medium stage of generality between philosophy and special social scientific… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofické myslenie v Maďarsku)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 197-204.
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(Original title: Matematicko-štatistické metódy v rozvoji teórie kultúry)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 205-209.
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(Original title: Eticko-filozofické aspekty pojmu morálna povinnosť (so zreteľom na profesiovú činnosť lekára])
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 210-217.
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(Original title: K životnému jubileu profesora Michala Topoľského)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 218-220.
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(Original title: Kritické dejiny filozofie)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 221-233.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Vedecká konferencia Katedry marxisticko-leninskej filozofie FF UK)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 234-235.
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(Original title: Súťaž mladých filozofov)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 236.
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(Original title: Vzťah spoločenskej psychológie a ideológie)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 237-240.
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(Original title: Dialektika osobnosti a individuality)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 240-242.
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(Original title: O sociálnej aktivite osobnosti v podmienkach budovania rozvinutého socializmu)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 243-244.
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(Original title: Na pomoc učiteľom marxisticko-leninskej etiky)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 244-246.
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(Original title: Mýtus a jeho svet)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 247-249.
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(Original title: Filozoficky o ateizme)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 249-254.
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