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Volume 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1
Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita


(Original title: Na úvod: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita)
Fílozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 1.
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I. Phenomenological Interpretations

(Original title: Zrod étosu z pátosu. Cesty responzívnej fenomenológie)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 4-15.

The precondition of the birth of ethos is an ethics which is not conceived as self- evident. According to Merleau-Ponty phenomenology is constantly confronted with sense in statu nascendi and this also applies to ethos in statu nascendi. The birth of ethos as envisaged by genetic phenomenology does not overlap with Nietzsche’s genealogy of morality. Both… Read more

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(Original title: Stopa upřímnosti slov. Pokus o přiblížení rozdílu mezi tím, co říkám a říkáním samým u pozdního Levinase)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 16-24.

This paper is nothing more than a digression in the process of ethical signifying, an infinite movement, which precedes diachronically every attempt to give an account of it and interrupts the sense which the author believes he is putting in words. Then the investigations presented here can be interpreted as different modalities of the Un- saying (Dédire in French… Read more

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(Original title: Fenomenologické určenie interiority vo fenomenologickom karteziánstve)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 25-35.

The main objective of the paper is to show the phenomenologically determined subjectivity in the frame of interiority through tracing the Cartesian path of the two most influential “Cartesian” phenomenologists E. Husserl and M. Henry. It is claimed that Husserl ́s return to the Cartesian Cogito – a critical rather than dogmatic step – enables him to define… Read more

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(Original title: Ja a Ne-Ja: archeologický prístup k štruktúre jadra v Husserlových textoch o časovej konštitúcii)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 36-44.

In the later manuscripts of Edmund Husserl one can find particular remarks on so called archaeology as a broadening of his methodology. In the first part of the paper the dynamics and possibilities of the phenomenological archaeology are described. In its second part the achievements of this archaeology are joined with the interpretational context of the relation… Read more

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(Original title: Živý svet podľa spisu Hajj ibn Jaqzán a životný svet)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 45-59.

The author argues that comparing certain aspects of philosophical conceptions across the history of philosophy does make sense, as on his view is evident from the comparison of Avicenna’s story of Hayy ibn Yaqzan and Husserl’s concept of lifeworld. As for Avicenna, he suggests that the lived and awake world is connected with the awake subject. Further, the… Read more

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(Original title: Predstieranie, intencionalita a subjektivita podľa Bachelarda)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 60-70.

Based on the description of “pretence,” which according to Bachelard is intrinsic to the very intellectuality of a scientific mind, the paper tries to show Bachelard’s redefinition of the phenomenological concept of intentionality: He does not conceives the latter as an intentionality of fulfillment, but rather as an intentionality of emptying. Since the objects… Read more

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(Original title: Intimita v Bachelardovom Fragmente z denníka človeka)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 71-80.

The author analyzes a short writing by Gaston Bachelard called A Fragment of a Journal of Man which deals mainly with the question of intimacy. Firstly, the author considers the primary pluralism of various constitutions of the world. These constitutions arise from primary subjective impressions, from which (following the discourse with the others) an objective… Read more

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II. Topology of Natural and Cultural Bonds

(Original title: Interiorita, exteriorita, výraz podľa Adolfa Portmanna)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 82-90.

The paper deals with apparence as conceived by A. Portmann. His understanding of appearence is not limited neither to the exteriorization of interirority, not to a sheer and simple exteriority. On the contrary, appearence in itself is a description of a unique dynamics of interiorization: The process of expression is not advancing from inside out; interiority is… Read more

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(Original title: Zvieracia a ľudská duša, čítanie Plotina)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 91-99.

The article offers an explication of the concepts of middle soul or middle man. The non-individual animal soul, being rather a capacity of feeling, is joined with individual rational human soul. From the connection of these heterogeneous souls imagination as a middle faculty arises. The lower imagination transcribes the desires of sensitive soul into images, while… Read more

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(Original title: Vidět mysl v druhém těle)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 100-111.

In spite of an ever growing interest in social cognition research many problematic and uncritically accepted prejudices still have their effect on the very basis of the developed theoretical approaches. Among the most influential is conceiving the human mind as something directly accessible exclusively to its subject, being totally hidden for the eyes of the… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofia, bývanie a spoločný svet)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 112-121.

Human existence as dwelling – Phenomenal pattern of dwelling – From the analysis of the ways of dwelling to the delimitation of its constitutive relations – A critique of the reduction of the public character of human dwelling – A critique of the pathological changes in urban and social public spaces – The need for philosophy with its ability of differentiating… Read more

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(Original title: Vliv koncepce prostoru na artikulaci transcendence: posun v Heideggerově výkladu posvátného prostoru od původně prázdně otevřeného k topologickému prostoru)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 122-132.

The aim of this study is to analyse the influence the models of space had on the conceptions of transcendence, in particular the shift in Heidegger’s explanation of God from the “last God” conception to “God as a part of fourfold” (Geviert). This shift is connected with the development of Heidegger’s conception of space from the between- space to the topological… Read more

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(Original title: Topologie vnějšku a vnitřku v autorském herectví)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 133-143.

The article introduces the transformation of the topology of the interior and the exterior due to long-term theatre-reflexive experience of the so-called authorial acting. The analysis of Plato’s dialog Sophistes shows where the philosophical potential to think on conscious level and passionately at the same time is blocked. The interpretation of the concept of… Read more

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(Original title: Pojem intímneho v maliarstve 17. storočia: Poussinove autoportréty a Vermeerove žánrové výjavy)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 144-156.

This article focuses on the concept of intimacy in painting. Based on pictorial examples of the 17th century, it explores two aspects of intimacy: the close relationship (shown by Poussin’s self-portraits) on one hand and the interiority (associated with Vermeer’s intimate genre scenes) on the other. It also aims to demonstrate that the concept of intimacy exceeds… Read more

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III. Forms of Social Space

(Original title: Filozofické aspekty niektorých dnešných teórií sociálneho sveta ako spoločenského systému)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 158-169.

The topic of my paper is the dynamics of totalization which I have elaborated in my book Vom zersprungenen Weltwerden (Janssen 2011). The first claim which has determined the background against which I developed my theories in the above mentioned work, was as follows: “Humans are living beings equipped with language, in whom being-alive and being-capable-of-speech… Read more

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(Original title: Subjektivita a formy koordinácie)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 170-174.

It is the development of the patterns of coordination, especially the interrelations of value systems, power, exchange and legal systems based on contrasts, through which the upper reaches of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity are made possible. Imagination as the essential dimension of empathy makes it possible to mediate the empathy through values, power,… Read more

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(Original title: Adornův katalog exteriority)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 175-186.

The article deals with Adorno’s conception of exteriority as an example of the philosophical materialism. In the first part, the concepts of exteriority and interiority are defined and the methodological differences between a materialistic and an idealistic approach are depicted. A materialistic approach can be combined with the efforts of the masters of suspicion… Read more

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(Original title: Predpoklady sociálnosti v Heideggerovom Bytí a čase)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 187-196.

Among the phenomena that make the social dimension of Heidegger’s ontology more accessible are Being-with, Dasein-with and Being-with-one-another. Due to certain limits of Heidegger’s analyses of these phenomena in Being and Time, he is often reproached for having poorly worked out the social aspect of Dasein or even for the social deficit of his fundamental… Read more

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(Original title: Relativizmus a svet z pohľadu fenomenológie politického sveta)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), Mimoriadne číslo 1: Interiorita, exteriorita, responzivita, 197-205.

In the article the author clarifies the place of relativism in the context of political world. On one hand, relativism is often seen as a precondition of a free political order. On the other hand, some critics argue that relativism might be destructive to it. The author calls for the middle position. In accordance with Hannah Arendt and Klaus Held he understands… Read more

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