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Volume 39 (1984), 3

Papers - Problems of Historical Materialism

(Original title: Vzťah vedy a morálky v podmienkach vedeckotechnického rozvoja)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 3, 277-287.
The contemporary intense advancement of science and technology makes the problems of the relation of science and morale ever more topical and it puts the question of the inevitability of humanizing science, giving it the impress of humane and towards Man oriented work. The paper consists of two parts: Part One — Ontological Presuppositions of the Relation of Science… Read more
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(Original title: Aktivita spoločenského vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 3, 288-298.
The paper deals with the revaluation of the concept „social consciousness“. In view to this appraisal the unjustification of the identification of the concept „social being“ and „conditions of the existence of the society“ is discussed. The relation between the concepts „consciousness, knowing and social consciousness“ is defined and the activity of social… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým aspektom kontinuity kultúrneho vývinu)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 3, 299-309.
The problem of the continuity of cultural development is a very complicated and broad question. Culture as a way of the appropriation of the world by Man which makes the development of human quality in Man and society possible cannot be explained as a continuous creation of the new only, without any connection with the preceding development. The continuity appears as… Read more
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(Original title: Celostnosť systému organizmus—prostredie)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 3, 310-323.
Among approaches to the solution of problems of wholeness in biology it is the systems approach that deserves the greatest attention since it provides the moderne science with basic methodologic principles. The importance of an adequate union of the systems approach and the system of categories of materialist dialectics is evident even in studying of such a complex… Read more
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