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Volume 73 (2018), 10


(Original title: Má ešte pojem ľudská prirodzenosť zmysel?)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 10, 777-789.

When we investigate the historicity of humans, we must inevitably address the concept of human nature, since it seems that the historicity excludes the idea of ahistorical or transhistorical human nature. In this article, I will therefore, on the one hand, address the issue of the extent to which the consideration of human historicity can lead to questioning the… Read more

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(Original title: Tugendhatov problém „pravdy“ v konfrontácii s Heideggerom)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 10, 790-803.

The aim of the study is to provide a critical commentary on the position held by E. Tugendhat in his work Egocentricity and Mysticism (published in 2003) in terms of his own criteria of the hermeneutic concept of truth. The article presents this concept of truth in its original negative-critical form, and explores two lines of inquiry in an attempt to explicitly… Read more

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(Original title: Schmittova teória nepriateľa ako výzva pre Kierkegaardovu teóriu nepreferenčnej lásky)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 10, 804-817.

The aim of the paper is to confront Kierkegaard’s theory of nonpreferential love with Schmitt’s theory of the enemy and to point out new lines of philosophical reflection enabled by this confrontation. The textual points of departure for the confrontation are Kierkegaard’s Works of Love (1847) and Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political (1932). The paper first… Read more

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(Original title: Dialectical Technology – Hegel on Means, Tools and the Machine)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 10, 818-830.

The paper concerns G.W. F. Hegel’s philosophy of technology. By assuming two methodological strategies – reading selected paragraphs of Hegel’s texts where he speaks about technology and deducing the essence of technology as a concept – this paper describes the key ideas shaping the German idealist’s philosophy of technology. Three main issues are discussed: 1.… Read more

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(Original title: Problematika úmyslu (intentio) u Petra Abelarda a Tomáša Akvinského)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 10, 831-843.

The aim of this article is to examine the core of Abelard's intentionalist ethics, his understanding of intention, and some of the problems present in his conception. It also aims to demonstrate a more comprehensive understanding of the issue of intentions developed by Thomas Aquinas and compare it to Abelard's teaching. The study explores these topics from the… Read more

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