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Volume 52 (1997), 6


(Original title: Morálka a trh: Vízia Adama Smitha)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 349-361.

By the economists and often also by political philosophers Adam Smith is conceived of first of all as the author of Wealth of Nations i. e. as the founding father of modem political economy and a defender of liberal economic tradition. Smith as a representative of the Scottish School of moral philosophy and as the author of Theory of Moral… Read more

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(Original title: Druhý kopemikovský obrat v chápaní poznávania a skúsenosti a jeho závažné dôsledky (1. časť))
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 362-369.

The aim of the paper is to develope and justify a broader concept of experience. In the author's view this concept is rooted in Hegel. A more detailed articulation of this concept is offered on the background of Gadamer's and Welte's works as well as of author's previous work Theory of Knowledge. The paper focuses on the notion of so called "recreating… Read more

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(Original title: Rozporné cesty konkretizace kantovského transcendentálního tázáni)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 370-378.

The paper is defending the view according to which Kant's transcendental regulative apriori questions each positively established order, wether factual, or ideal. From this, point of view then author discusses Fink's approach to the issues of temporality, Richir’s conception of "apriori apriority", Derrida's ideas on originating and meaningness and some aspects of… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: John Locke alebo Čo je vrodené a čo je získané?)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 379-383.
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(Original title: Na ceste za skutočnosťou)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 384-393.
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(Original title: Relativizmus: Nachádzať a vytvárať)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 394-405.
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(Original title: Celostno-syntetický ontologický model - cesta k porozumeniu)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 406-414.
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(Original title: Mysteriózna tvár Ruska (G. P. Fedotov))
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 415-417.
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(Original title: Anarchia verzus Leviatan (J. M. Buchanan))
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 6, 418-420.
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