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A Change in the Periodicity of Filozofia

Starting with volume 80, 2025, the periodicity of Filozofia will be revised. Specifically, the number of issues will be reduced from ten per year to six. Instead of appearing monthly, Filozofia in its new format will be published in February (no. 1), April (no. 2), May (no. 3), September (no. 4), October (no. 5), and December (no. 6). Although there will be fewer issues, this will not affect the total number of articles published each year since the six issues will be substantially longer than the traditional ten monthly issues. We therefore expect that the total number of pages for each annual volume to remain roughly the same.

This change will not affect the status of Filozofia, which will continue to be indexed in all the important academic databases such as Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities; Web of Science Core Collection (Arts & Humanities Citation Index); SCOPUS, etc. Likewise, the new periodicity will not change the profile of the journal, its review process, or its rules and procedures. Finally, the practice of having monothematic issues or blocks dedicated to specific topics will continue as before.

As always, it is the constant goal of the Editorial Office and the Advisory Board of Filozofia to present the reader with leading articles in the field of philosophy broadly conceived. We continue in our determination to feature important works representative of current Slovak and Czech philosophy and to promote it in the wider world beyond Central Europe.

The Editorial Office of Filozofia