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Original Articles

(Original title: The Human Being as ‘Compound’: Aquinas versus Descartes on Human Nature)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 955 - 969.
The intuitively right answer to the question ‘What am I?’ is not ‘an incorporeal spirit’, but ‘a human being’. Aquinas reflects this common-sense view when he says that ‘the human is no mere soul, but a compound of soul and body.’ And Descartes, despite his notorious dualistic thesis that I am a substance that does not need anything material in order to exist,… Read more
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(Original title: Prístupy k dejinnosti vo fenomenológii: československá skúsenosť)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 970 - 984.
In the paper I examine selected local phenomena related to the history of phenomenology in Central-Eastern Europe and especially in the former Czechoslovakia during the communist period. I use these to show that a specific mode of thinking developed here as a distinctive phenomenological practice. I provide examples from the fields of art history, theory of art,… Read more
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(Original title: Komplikovaný vzťah filozofie Clauda Romana a Martina Heideggera)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 985 - 999.
The study attempts to interpret the work of the French phenomenologist Claude Romano in the context of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. The text tries to point out the differences and connections between their thinking, connect and confront their individual concepts and theses, and point out the important structural moments that are common for both philosophers.… Read more
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Introduction: The Anthropocene Epoch

(Original title: Introduction to the Monothematic Block: The Anthropocene Epoch: Rethinking Environmental and Political Philosophy in the Global Environmental Crisis)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1000 - 1003.
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Original Articles: The Anthropocene Epoch

(Original title: Customary Morality and the Concept of Environmental Citizenship)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1004 - 1018.
Whatever the nature of the contemporary climate crisis, its status has become an aspect of global politics. Whether the nature of this necessity is natural or political is the question. The idea of natural necessity is driving the political necessity of the acceptance of a range of frameworks concerning governance. The climate is being symbolically represented via… Read more
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(Original title: Migration and Environment or about the Human as Climatic Being: Tetsurō Watsuji’s Dialectical Concept and How It Can Be Applied to the Issue of Migration)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1019 - 1033.
The interaction between migration and the environment is essential, but it is not usually the focus of philosophical reflection. In this article, the author explores the nexus of migration and environmental protection, based on a new and expanded conception of the subject. The subject, according to this view, emerges from a new synthetic blend of a Buddhist-Shinto-… Read more
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(Original title: The Environmental Toll of Digital Technologies)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1034 - 1048.
This study delves into the complex connection between digital technologies and environmental sustainability in the face of the worsening climate crisis. It presents two different stories: one praises digitalization for its improved efficiency and less waste, while the other cautions about the environmental impact of energy-consuming data centers and growing… Read more
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(Original title: Reconsidering the Paradigm Shift from Environmental Philosophy to Global Environmentalisms)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1049 - 1057.
The Earth has arrived at such a point that the speed of human change has had effects that are now irreversible. This picture tells us that the crises in nature are not the crises of nature but the crises of the societal system as the socio-political system ruled by political leaders, opinion-makers, and liberal extremists. The current discussions on climate change,… Read more
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Book Reviews

(Original title: John Bellamy Foster: The Dialectics of Ecology: Socialism and Nature)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1058 - 1061.
A book review of John Bellamy Foster: The Dialectics of Ecology: Socialism and Nature. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2024, 352 pp.
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(Original title: Eliška Fulínová – Anna Kvíčalová (eds.): Antropocénnosti: průvodce světem antropocénu)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 9, 1062 - 1066.
A book review of Eliška Fulínová – Anna Kvíčalová (eds.): Antropocénnosti: průvodce světem antropocénu Praha: Academia, 2024, 328 pp.
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