Previous Issue
Original Articles
(Original title: Reliability Trumps Truth)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1069 - 1082.Abstract
This paper argues that reliability is a better desideratum for scientific claims than is truth as soon as we focus on ‘helping to change the world (for the better)’ as a central aim of science.
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(Original title: Causalism versus Propensionism in the Philosophy of Biology: A Case of Philosophical Underdetermination?)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1083 - 1096.Abstract
This paper has two objectives: (1) to define philosophical underdetermination in contrast with the usual empirical underdetermination that has been invoked by so many philosophers of science, expanding on recent work in ethics regarding moral underdetermination; (2) to prove that the debate between the causalist and propensionist interpretations of causation in the… Read more
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(Original title: Fontenelle’s Éloges des académiciens: Creating the Scientific Persona)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1097 - 1110.Abstract
In his Éloges des académiciens, French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657 – 1757) used various strategies to build the credibility of scientists. In recent publications on the history of science, the concept of persona has been fruitfully explored. In this article, I focus on the construction of the scientific persona in Fontenelle’s Éloges,… Read more
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(Original title: Návrat k původní jednotě jako dějinná perspektiva u H. von Kleista)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1111 - 1125.Abstract
Around 1800, German philosophy and literature frequently discussed the topic of history. This study examines, from a philosophical perspective, the structure of history as presented by Heinrich von Kleist in his short story “On the Puppet Theatre” (1810). Since Kleist’s story is situated between literature and philosophy, it is essential to supplement his position… Read more
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Introduction: Socio-Political Resilience vis-à-vis the Contemporary World Crises
(Original title: Introduction to the Monothematic Block: Socio-Political Resilience vis-à-vis the Contemporary World Crises)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1126 - 1128.File to download: PDF
Original articles: Socio-Political Resilience vis-à-vis the Contemporary World Crises
(Original title: Which Resilience? Thinking Democratic Subjectivity in the Polycrisis)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1129 - 1143.Abstract
In the context of the current polycrisis, Andreas Reckwitz suggests that instead of emphasizing progress, Western liberal democracies should cultivate resilience. The question is: which resilience? The prevailing theory of democratic resilience focuses on securing the “invariant core” of democratic institutions. This article shows why this approach is insufficient… Read more
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(Original title: Resilience as a Methodological Challenge for Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1144 - 1158.Abstract
The objective of the study is to examine the methodological challenges that the concept of resilience presents to Axel Honneth’s social theory as a representative of contemporary Critical Theory. The study concentrates on the concept of “immanent transcendence” as a pivotal methodological framework and examines its connections to resilience theory. In this context,… Read more
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(Original title: Practicing Uncertainty as Resilience)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1159 - 1173.Abstract
Drawing on the pandemic experiences of Swedish welfare professionals and the philosophies of Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Jonna Bornemark, and Isabelle Stengers, this paper argues for approaching resilience as a transformative process rather than merely a restorative or protective one. We address resilience as connected to the capacity to act under conditions of… Read more
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(Original title: The Emerging Science of Multisystemic Resilience: Trade-offs and Transformations in Contexts of Adversity)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1174 - 1185.Abstract
This paper explores the concept of resilience as much more than a personal capacity to overcome adversity. Using reflections from ontology, ethics and epistemology, this paper offers philosophical contextualisation of resilience thinking and the corresponding paradigm shift. It shows that individual resilience depends on a person’s ability to navigate their way to… Read more
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Review Studies
(Original title: Between Dewey, Social Movements and Critical Philosophy)
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1186 - 1196.Abstract
This review study deals with the 2021 book by the Spanish philosopher Justo Serrano Zamora Democratization and Struggles against Injustice: A Pragmatist Approach to the Epistemic Practices of Social Movements. The aim is primarily to show how Zamora deals with Dewey’s thought in the context of social critical philosophy. At the same time, it highlights the value of… Read more
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(Original title: „Dedičstvo myšlienok“ ako historicko-filozofický problém (K 100. výročiu narodenia slovenského filozofa Jána Bodnára))
Filozofia, vol. 79 (2024), No 10, 1197 - 1212.Abstract
This article analyzes and interprets the Slovak philosopher Ján Bodnár’s contributions to the research regarding the history of both global and Slovak philosophy. Bodnár’s published works in this area are divided into three distinct periods, presented, and evaluated. The methodology of the research of philosophical thinking in Slovakia within the context of the… Read more
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