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Publication Details

Integrity of Society in Charles Fourier’s Conception

(Original title: Integrita spoločnosti v poňatí Charlesa Fouriera)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 5, 465-472.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
In the present paper the author tries to analyze Charles Fourier's attitudes to the problems of integrity of a future „societary system“, as Fourier introduces them in his works summed up in the four volumes of his Selected Works. The author starts from Fourier’s analysis of the economic establishment of „civilization“ and points out that this analysis is onesided and confined to the mere following of the growth of material productive forces, but he does not make a deeper analysis of the existing social productive conditions. Fourier, who takes human passions for a decisive integrating social force, attempts at a creation of a future societary system in which a complete harmony between the rich and the poor should be established and thus the existing antagonism in society should be done with. By refusing the class struggle and the social revolution Fourier did not recognize the disintegration of the social motion and wanted to integrate society without destroying and without dialectic negating the integrity of the old society, by the integrity of the new harmonic societary system. He proves that thus Fourier takes the processes of integration and disintegration only abstractly and the integrity of society only as a mere negation. The author tries to prove here that the processes of integration and disintegration not only exclude each other, but also condition each other. He shows how Fourier’s onesided orientation to differentiation without disintegration directs attention only to quantity and denies the potential qualitative changes of social integrity.
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