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Volume 27 (1972), 2

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Svetonázor a morálka, filozofia a etika)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 101-114.
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(Original title: Politicko-ideologické základy súčasného antikomunizmu)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 115-131.
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(Original title: Umelé prostredie a integrácia človeka)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 132-145.
The paper does not intend to be a systematic explication of the problem of artificial environment in the human world. The authoress attempts at enlightening this problem from some theoretical and historical aspects so as to show its various conceptions and its historically changing role in the life of man and of society. 1. In contrast to the narrow conception that… Read more
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(Original title: Sloboda ako otázka praxe)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 146-163.
By formulating the problem of freedom as a question of practice we present a conception of the aspect of the substance and the very principle of human freedom. In this sense freedom from the point of view of practice expresses the process of the humanizing, practical-creative command of the objective world in the sphere of the ontological unity of subject-object. In… Read more
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(Original title: Kauzálne teórie času)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 164-177.
At the investigation of the basic qualities of time, the question of criteria of a temporal arrangement of material processes is one of its fundamental philosophical aspect. The problem can be formulated as follows: If we have two various processes A and B, 1. On the basis of what can their objective sequence be determined? 2. Are we able to determine… Read more
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(Original title: Charakter systému zaváděného na realitu)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 178-184.
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(Original title: Filozofické východiská hermeneutickej koncepcie skúsenosti)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 185-194.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: XXIV. zjazd KSSZ a ideologický boj)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 195-196.
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(Original title: XIII. mezinárodní kongres o dějinách vědy a IV. mezinárodní kongres logiky, metodologie a filosofie vědy)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 196-199.
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(Original title: IV. sovietsko-československé filozofické sympózium v Moskve)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 199-200.
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(Original title: Prednáška J. Bodnára v Slovenskej filozofickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 200-201.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Překlad Tao te ťingu a metody studie staročínského taoismu)
Filozofia, 27 (1972), 2, 203-211.
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