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Publication Details

The Scientific-Technological Revolution and Moral Responsibility of the Scientist

(Original title: Vedeckotechnická revolúcia a morálna zodpovednosť vedca)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 5, 467-477.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
From the point of view of the investigated problem, the author distinguishes three basic positions of scientists: 1. The position of the so called “pure“ science, the adherents of which consider the problem of the scientist’s moral responsibility as a pseudoproblem, because — by their opinion — there is no mutual dependence between science and morale (E. Teller). 2. Bourgeois scientists, who, on the one hand, recognize the responsibility of scientists, but on the other hand they cannot see the real means for its stimulation and control (A. Einstein, N. Wiener, M. Born). 3. The third group is formed by the scientists who hold the opinion that the contemporary society (namely the socialist one) has real means at its disposal that enables it to control the use of the results of scientific research and that strengthen the scientists' sense of responsibility. Historical experiences give evidence that every scientific discovery and technological invention can be used both for man’s profit and harm. But in the society — by the author’s opinion — there have always existed forces that have restricted the chance of misusing science and technology and stimulated their useful advantages, if we regard, of course, the lawful tendency and not the exceptions.
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