Publication Details
Classification of Methodological Conceptions and Problems of the Methodology of Social Sciences
(Original title: Klasifikácia metodologických koncepcií a problémy metodológie spoločenských vied)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 3, 306-322.Type of work: Papers - The Problem of Methodology of Social Sciences
Publication language: Slovak
In the paper the author shows that the classification of fundamental methodological conceptions, based on the criteria of the type of laws and methods, makes it possible to compare the given conceptions.
These classifications reflect certain stages in the development of the methodologies of sciences, their subject-matter, various problems and ways of their solution. It briefly analyzes some special problems of the Marxist methodology of social sciences. In the end the controversion between naturalism and anti-naturalism within chosen methodological conceptions is viewed.
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