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Volume 42 (1987), 6


(Original title: Filozoficko-metodologické východiská prírodovedného poznania)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 641-651.
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Papers - Philosophical-Methodological Problems of Special Sciences

(Original title: Darvinizmus a niektoré kategórie dialektiky)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 652-658.

The contribution develops the idea that Darwinian concepts variability, natural selection, struggle for life and others — are closely linked with categories of necessity and chance, causality and finality, the whole and qualitative differentiation. Stress is laid upon the methodological aspect of categories and their application in explaining questions of… Read more

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(Original title: Princíp korešpondencie vo vedeckom poznaní)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 659-667.

In his contribution the author analyzes critically Kuhn’s refusal of continuity and truth of scientific cognition against the background of the controversy about the principle of correspondence. It is stated that the application of this principle has many limiting aspects and it cannot be, therefore, considered as a general proof of continuity of scientific… Read more

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(Original title: O metodologických aspektoch v technických vedách)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 668-679.

In the paper several methodological problems of technological disciplines, technology are analyzed. Relative autonomy of technology, its specific characteristics, its relation to science, the structure and function of theory in technological disciplines are investigated. Technological disciplines are strategic sciences, developing instructions for realization of… Read more

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(Original title: Dve renesancie Descartesových myšlienok)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 680-688.

The paper is dedicated to the methodological analysis of Descarte’s method of transformation as a method of solving problems and of the idea of universalism — his thesis on the existence of the global method of investigating the world. It is shown by examples from the history of mathematics how Descarte’s method of semantical transformation led into the discovery… Read more

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(Original title: Pojem merania z aspektov súčasnej metodológie poznania)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 689-696.

The paper deals with the concept of measurement as an important process of knowing in contemporary science. It analyses physical aspects of measurement in biological measurements and it deduces the importance of physical quantification on the basis of contemporary stage of knowledge in the sphere of scientific experiments.

The stress is laid upon the… Read more

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(Original title: Přirozené a umělé myšlení)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 697-707.

The aim of the article is to demonstrate that for understanding and further development of the artificial intelligence it is very important to understand the specifity and the essence of natural thinking and to distinguish it from speech, language and logic.

The author considers speech, language and formal logic as one of the forms of externalization,… Read more

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Papers - Contributions of Young Philosophers

(Original title: K niektorým aspektom merania v kvantovej mechanike)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 708-715.

The author returns in the paper to problems which stood in the focus of interest of the phycisist and philosophers in the first half of the century — to problems of measurement of microobjects in quantum physics. In the initial part of the paper she points out what different position the measuring device occupies in the process of measurement in quantum physics as… Read more

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(Original title: Filozoficko-metodologická koncepcia výstavby vedeckej teórie u Alberta Einstein)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 716-726.

Solving of philosophical problems linked with the construction of a scientific theory made an important part of Einstein’s productive activity. A scientific theory in his understanding contains three levels. The first level represents a system of axioms, the second level contains theorems deduced from axioms according to logical rules of deduction, the third level… Read more

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(Original title: K protirečeniam vo vývine živého)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 727-736.

Classical Darwinism explains the mechanism of the origin of qualitatively new kinds, it does not, however, consider progressive evolution as an inevitable process. In order to be able to proceed from many-dimensionality of evolutionary orientation to forming of presuppositions of the origin of a qualitatively new system, we must begin to investigate the biological… Read more

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(Original title: Z myšlienkového odkazu V. Clementisa)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 737-740.
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(Original title: Ontologické možnosti marxistickej filozofie)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 741-747.
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(Original title: Niektoré metodologické otázky výstavby teórie medicíny)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 748-755.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Filozofické problémy biológie na medzinárodnom sympóziu evolučných biológov)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 756-757.
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(Original title: Filozofi a prírodovedci interdisciplinárne)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 757-759.
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(Original title: Beseda o práci V. Černíka Systém kategórie materialistickej dialektiky)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 759-760.
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(Original title: Problematika chápania vo filozofii)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 6, 761-763.
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