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Coping with Global Change: The Need for New Values

(Original title: Vyrovnávanie sa s globálnymi zmenami: Potreba nových hodnôt)
Filozofia, 80 (2025), 1, 4 - 19.
Type of work: Original articles
Publication language: Slovak
The following text was presented to the 1995 conference of the International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children and appears here for the first time in a Slovak translation. Unfortunately, the challenges of coping with global change that it discusses have still not been addressed. Some of the facts have changed—for example, China’s per capita greenhouse gas emissions have risen significantly, although they are still far below those of the United States and most other industrialized countries. But the planet is warming faster than scientists predicted thirty years ago, and little has been done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so the problem of climate change is even more urgent than it seemed to be when the text was first presented. Therefore, my arguments about the changes we need to make to the way we live are still relevant, and it is for that reason that I have accepted the editors’ invitation to print the article here in Slovak.

Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone layer, free enterprise society, invisible hand, Happiness, Ethics, self-interest

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