Volume 1 (1946), 1
(Original title: Sociálne a politické javy dneška)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 7-20.Abstract
After the Great war a sociologist must be interested in certain problems. Firstly it is the disparity between the development of the intellect a of moral abilities. The moral progress does not keep pace with progress of technical sciences. Further-as a consequence of the last two wars-we see on one side a growth of democratis nationalism, on the other side at the… Read more
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(Original title: Obrodenská koncepcia Ľudovíta Štúra)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 21-67.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Reálny svet a jeho poznávanie)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 68-103.Abstract
As the starting-point in discussing noetical problems we may choose the first phase of humen mind’s development, winch precedes tne stadpomt of naive realism. Primitive human beings live in a mystical complexity with nature without conscious splitting of the world in subject and object. We can follow this splitting of the world through the history of human mind s… Read more
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(Original title: Problém existenčného kontinua ako reálnej identity)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 104-137.Abstract
According to general recognition 'the development of philosophical scientific thinking is characterized already from the ancient Greek epoch by the influences of the antinomical conception of subject and object. The central point of antinomies was the abstract conception of identity, which included identity of object in time and space. This proiblem is the… Read more
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(Original title: Objekt a smysl objektu)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 138-155.File to download: PDF
(Original title: K problému nevedomia u Freuda)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 156-170.Abstract
After a short historical introduction we discuss the problem of unconscious as it is learned by Freud. The Unconscious is, he says, the very psychical reality; the conscious thinking is to it in a analogical relation as our sensory perception to Kant’s »Ding an sich«. The Unconscious is not governed iby the law of reality, it’s purpose is to protect the individuum… Read more
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(Original title: G. W. Leibniz (К 300. výročiu narodenia))
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 171-181.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Poznámky k dielu Krištofa Akaiho „Cosmografia seu philosophica mundi descriptia“)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 182-202.Abstract
As an introduction to Akai’s book we give an outline of development of antique philosophy and we show how the problems of natural philosophy, which is the very substance of Akai s work, were discussed in it’s separate epochs. Akai’s work is mainly based on scholastic philosophy — it is in fact a late flower of scholastic and therefore it was necessary to mention the… Read more
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(Original title: Na okraj »Niekoľko poznámok ...«)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 203-204.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Losského teória pravdy)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 204-213.File to download: PDF
(Original title: „Okolo filozofie sociologickej školy hospodárskej”)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 216-218.pdf.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Kauzalita, determinizmus a indeterminizmus)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 218-231.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Problém racionálnej indukcie)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 232.File to download: PDF
(Original title: K problémom sociologie umenia)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 233-236.File to download: PDF
Philosophical Literature
(Original title: Anton Štefánek, Základy sociografie Slovenska)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 237-239.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Igor Hrušovský, Francis Bacon a rozkvet anglickej filozofie)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 239-241.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Igor Hrušovský, Engels ako filozof)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 241-242.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Svätopluk Štúr, Rozprava o živote)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 242-245.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Ondrej Pavlík, Vývin sovietskeho školstva a pedagogiky)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 245-248.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Jozef Dieška, Kritický či intuitívny realizmus)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 248-251.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Filozofický sborník)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 251-252.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Bertrand Russell, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 253-254.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Alfred J. Ayer, The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 254-256.File to download: PDF
(Original title: V. I. Lenin, Materialismus a empiriokriticismus)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 256-261.File to download: PDF
(Original title: J. Stalin, O národnostnej otázke)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 261-264.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Nikolaj O. Losskij, Absolútne kritérium pravdy)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 264-266.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Lucretius Carus, O podstatě světa)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 266-268.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Zpráva o činnosti Filozofického ústavu SAVU)
Philosophica Slovaca, 1 (1946), 1, 268.File to download: PDF