Volume 11 (1956), 3
(Original title: Ku klasifikácii gnozeologických teórií)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 201-220.Abstract
The gnoseology, being a general theory of knowledge, deals with presuppositions, with the lawfulness and the sense of human perception. It constitutes a critique and combined with logic it’s also a methodology of truly conceiving and forming the scientific conception of the world. Contrary to the ontology which is trying to define the reality of the world as the sole… Read more
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(Original title: O špecifičnosti umeleckého zovšeobecnenia skutočnosti)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 221-242.Abstract
The process of the artistic abstraction of the reality differs from the artistic generalization. It is not the notion but the idea which stands in the background of an artistic image. From the gnoseological characteristic of the conception results the possibility to perform such a generalization of the reality which would have the gnoseologic value of an abstract… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofické náhľady Jána Horárika)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 243-264.Abstract
In his historic-philosophical essay the author contemplates the philosophical profile of Jan Horarik, a progressive Hungarian thinker at the end of the first half of the XIXth century. First of all he answers the question of how much Horarik belongs to the history of Slovak philosophy. For the greater part of his life Horarik worked in Hungary and it was there where… Read more
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(Original title: K situácii v našej kultúre a filozofii)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 265-271.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Vzájomné vzťahy Čechov a Slovákov)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 272-276.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Ľudovít Štúr a slovenské národné hnutie)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 277-281.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Pierre Gassendi (1592 - 1655))
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 282-284.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Niekoľko poznámok k 100. výročiu smrti Heinricha Heineho)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 285-292.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Psychologie d'Ibn Sina (Avicenne) d'aprés son oeuvre aš-Šifa)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 293-295.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Imre Szabó, Buržoázna filozofia štátu a práva v Maďarsku)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 295-297.File to download: PDF
(Original title: P. H. d' Holbach, Systém prírody)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 297-300.File to download: PDF
(Original title: A. I. Gercen, Listy o studiu přírody)
Slovenský filozofický časopis, 11 (1956), 3, 300.File to download: PDF