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Volume 32 (1977), 3

Papers - Marxism and Structuralism

(Original title: Problém „kladov” a záporov v učení štrukturalizmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 237-247.
The Czechoslovak working class is well-known for its revolutionary consciousness. It was manifested by its class organization as early as by the end of the 19th century in the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, but also by its transition to the positions of the 3rd International immediately after the year 1918. The rise of the ČSSR after the World War II is thus also a… Read more
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(Original title: Marxistická metóda a systémová analýza v politickej ekonómii)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 248-262.
The author analyzes the views on the subject of political economy, confronting the Marxist approach to the investigation of productive relations with the opinions aiming at the investigation of the relation of man — nature. In this connection he analyzesthe views on the conception of the science of economy and itscomponents, that — by his opinion — are represented,… Read more
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(Original title: Několik poznámek k problematice marxistické analýzy strukturalizmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 263-268.
The author emphasizes in his contribution the relevance of the problems of structuralism in the contemporary bourgeois philosophy, namely the French one. He indicates the connection and continuity of some theses of structuralism (especially Lévi-Strauss’s and Foucault’s) with the streams of the so-called cultural criticism, with the ahistoric critique of the… Read more
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Papers - Critique of Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy

(Original title: Kritika Popperovho dedukcionizmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 269-282.
The paper presents the principles of constructive and destructive immanent critique of some system, as well as the principle of comparative critique. It appears that the consequential falslficationism gets to inner logical contradictions and that neither verification nor falsification in their purity and separation do exist and that in the background of Popper’s… Read more
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(Original title: Program „zjednotenia vedy” v logickom pozitivizme)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 283-300.
The programme of building-up integrated science was in the centre of attention of logical positivism. From the historical point of view we can state that the realization of this programme has never passed beyond the limits of project. There were several reasons why, the most important ones being the gnozeological starting points of the subjectively orientated radical… Read more
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(Original title: K utváraniu materialistických náhľadov na človeka v novovekej filozofii)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 301-312.
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(Original title: Kvalita a efektívnosť filozofickej tvorby)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 313-316.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Valné zhromaždenie Slovenskej filozofickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 317-318.
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(Original title: Významná edičná spolupráca)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 319-320.
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(Original title: Seminár o boji proti buržoáznej ideológii a antikomunizmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 320-321.
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(Original title: Uznesenia valného zhromaždenia Slovenskej filozofickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 322.
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(Original title: Filozofické otázky prírodných vied)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 323-326.
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(Original title: Vedeckotechnická revolúcia vo svetle filozofických reflexií)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 327-336.
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(Original title: Racionalizmus a empirizmus v súčasnej filozofii)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 337-340.
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(Original title: Tvorivosť a dialektika)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 3, 340-344.
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