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Volume 33 (1978), 2

Papers - Human Rights and Liberties in the Socialist Society

(Original title: Sloboda a jej realizácia v socialistických právach a slobodách)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 105-120.
The problems of freedom and the questions of its assertion and its broadening attract, even at present times, man’s theoretical and practical interest. They are problems that reflect the position and possibilities in the dialectics of man as a subject and of the world as an object, the live dialectical relation between man’s tenacious activity and the objective… Read more
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(Original title: Základné práva a slobody v socialistickej spoločnosti a ich právne záruky)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 121-131.
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(Original title: K dialektike slobody a nevyhnutnosti)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 132-143.
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(Original title: K niektorým hodnotovým aspektom slobody)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 144-149.
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(Original title: Ekonomická nevyhnutnosť a ekonomická sloboda v socializme)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 150-163.
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(Original title: Filozofické aspekty skúmania kategórie slobody)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 164-173.
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(Original title: Mravná sloboda človeka v podmienkach socializmu)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 174-179.
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(Original title: Problém ľudských práv v buržoáznych revolúciách 18. storočia)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 180-183.
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Papers - Questions of the History of Philosophy

(Original title: K problematike imanentného vývinu dejín filozofie)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 184-194.
The author holds the opinion that a purely immanent development does not exist, because philosophy is subdued to many external influences, as science, religion and, first of all, to economic-social factors of the particular society. They cause that the development is not straightforward, but that it stagnates sometimes, it finds itself in blind alleys or even returns… Read more
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(Original title: Heglova Fenomenológia ducha)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 195-212.
From the contents of Phenomenology of Spirit, in which the author explains the theory of cognition from the viewpoint of objective idealism, the paper comments only a short part of that extent which Marx called the subjective spirit. Hegel called the analyzed part the first grade of the development of consciousness in which the material object is the object of… Read more
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Teoretický seminár o právach a slobodách v socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 213-216.
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(Original title: O jednej buržoáznej teórii spoločenského vývoja alebo ako možno „vylepšiť kapitalizmus“)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 217-221.
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(Original title: O problematike heuristiky a dynamiky vedeckého poznania)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 222-226.
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(Original title: Maďarská monografia o Denisovi Diderotovi)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 226-231.
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(Original title: Princíp komplementarity a materialistická dialektika)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 231-237.
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(Original title: Humanizmus — osobnosť — výchova)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 2, 237-240.
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