Volume 37 (1982), 6
(Original title: Šesťdesiat rokov vývinu sovietske] filozofie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 699-708.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Spoločenský pokrok ako idea a skutočnosť)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 709-720.Abstract
The idea of social progress has great tradition in the history of European thinking. It was a part of several revolutionary initiatives, political movements and philosophical activities. The first line of development of the idea of social progress (Montesqieu, Turgot, Condorcet) interpreted social progress as a postulated principle which is expected from the history… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým metodologickým otázkam predmetu etiky)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 721-733.Abstract
Analysis of the relation of the scientific discipline to the object of research may be done from various aspects and on different theoretical levels. It is not the analysis and specification of individual aspects, qualities or manifestations of morale that is discussed in the study, but the possibility of grasping this phenomenon in its whole, the possibility of… Read more
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Papers - The One Hundreth Anniversary of Charles Darwin's Death
(Original title: Filozoficko-svetonázorové aspekty Darwinovej evolučnej teórie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 734-738.Abstract
The paper is dedicated to the one hundredth aniversary of Charles Darwin’s death. The author analyzes philosophic-worldview aspects of Darwin’ evolutionary theory. The stress is laid on Darwin’s evolutionary conception which made it possible for the first time to explain all phenomena of the living nature, including the development of Man, in consistent materialist… Read more
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(Original title: Ohlas a význam popularizácie darvinizmu na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 739-749.Abstract
In the second half of the XIXth century and at the beginning of the XXth century Darwin’s evolutionary theory of the development of biological species, which laid the materialist foundations of biology, came in the center of scientific interest. Ideological struggle which broke out between the adherents and opponents of Darwinism in Slovakia bore specific character.… Read more
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(Original title: Možnosti zvýšenia účinnosti svetonázorovej a filozofickej výchovy na vysokých školách)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 750-754.File to download: PDF
Scientific Life
(Original title: Porada redaktorov filozofických a sociologických časopisov socialistických krajín)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 755-756.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Otvorený list filozofov socialistických krajín)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 757-758.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Filozofi a astronómovia interdisciplinárne)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 761-762.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Marxistická filozofia a vedecký pokrok)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 6, 763-765.File to download: PDF