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Volume 44 (1989), 4


(Original title: Význam dejín filozofie vo formovaní aktívneho historického vedomia)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 401-409.
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Papers - Contemporary West-European Philosophy

(Original title: Marxisticko-leninská filozofia vo Francúzsku a problémy individuality)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 410-421.pdf.

It is the aim of the paper to point at philosophical-theoretical aspects of the ideologic orientation of the French Marxists in the eighties. The solving of problems of the individual and the subjectiveness are in the centre of general attention not only in philosophy but also in the social sciences. The author of the paper traces ideologic affiliations and… Read more

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(Original title: O kynickom impulze v súčasnej západnej filozofii)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 422-430.

The Cynic or — put in other words — antiintellectual impulse in the present Western philosophy is conceived by the author as indignation and disagreement with the proliferation of ideologic production, independent on the existential context and alienated to a concrete individual.

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(Original title: K súčasným problémom hermeneutiky (Modely jazyka))
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 431-441.

Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy installed broad scale of problems, which are elaborated in the works of its further representatives. These are the problems of tradition, language, reason, praxis and interpretive character of world. In the case of Gadamer’s philosophy is not important a method, but a truth of human being. It is manifested in epistemological… Read more

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Papers - The History of Philosophical Thought in Slovakia

(Original title: K vývinu sociálno-filozofických názorov A. Siráckeho v medzivojnovom období)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 442-452.

In the paper a critical analysis of the genesis of A. Sirácky’s social-philosophical views in the period between the world wars is given. Apart from the well-known works which were published by A. Sirácky in the First Czechoslovak Republic and which he also published as a founder of the Revue DAV, attention is paid to less known works which were written during the… Read more

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(Original title: Spor o modernú filozofiu na Slovensku na prahu 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 453-466.

In the first decade of this century the process of differentiation of ideas in the Slovak society started which manifested itself also in the controversy over modern philosophy in Slovakia.

F. Jehlička presented his fierce criticism of the empiricist-rationalist philosophical tradition of the New Age and his apology of Thomism.

A. Štefánek, who… Read more

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Papers - Scientific View of the World

(Original title: Metodologické poznámky k problému cyklickej kauzality v teórii relativity)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 467-476.

In the paper the stand-point of the „central“ stream in the theory of relativity research is examined. These thinkers refused the cyclic character of causality as revealed by Godel’s works. The cyclical aspect of causality, represented in the concept of self-causality is compared with the cyclicity as used in the relativity theory. It is stated that no taking into… Read more

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(Original title: Ontologické východiská Prigoginovej termodynamiky)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 477-488.

In the paper the ontological starting-points of nonequilibrium non-linear thermodynamics, are analyzed. By means of analysis of the classical and quantum mechanics as well as the analysis of equilibrium and nonequilibrium linear thermodynamics it is shown that the cause of the evolution of the system is conceived as the operating of the environment upon the system… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofický odkaz G. Simmela a súčasná kulturológia)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 489-494.
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(Original title: K. Lorenz — zakladateľ klasickej európskej etológie)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 495-497.
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(Original title: Vplyv filozofických ideí Veľkej francúzskej buržoáznej revolúcie na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 497-518.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Interdisciplinárne sympózium k umelej inteligencii)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 519-520.
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(Original title: O predpokladoch historického myslenia v klasickej nemeckej filozofii)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 521-524.
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(Original title: Od úpadku hegelovstvi k novohegelovství)
Filozofia, 44 (1989), 4, 524-528.
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