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Volume 46 (1991), 5


(Original title: Smrť subjektu?)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 385-400.
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(Original title: Idealizované zákony a dve metódy explanácie stupňovitou konkretizáciou)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 401-413.

The paper examines the notion of the idealized law elaborated by L. Nowak. The analysis of the second dynamic law of the mechanics and of value law shows that it is necessary to distinguish between a pure idealized law and an immanent idealized one. There are also two different methods of explanation by gradual concretization according to the kind of the idealized… Read more

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(Original title: K metodológii Newtonovej fyziky)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 414-423.

The article deals with the preconditions for Newton’s elaboration of the fundamental concepts of his mechanics and for his formulation of its laws from the methodological point of view. The author clarifies physical and philosophical influences of his predecessors, especially those of Descartes, Galilei, Kepler and Huygens. He also gives a critical analysis of the… Read more

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(Original title: Meinong’s Contribution to the Development of NON-Classical Logic)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 424-436.
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Oriental Philosophy

(Original title: O potřebě studia východních filosofií)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 437-453.
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(Original title: Bipoláma prírodná dialektika jin-jang)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 454-466.
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(Original title: Základy buddhistické nauky)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 467-483.
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(Original title: K vývinu pojmov a pojmu vývinu v jednej kritike)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 484-495.
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(Original title: Podnety filozofie M. Merleau-Pontyho)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 496-499.
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(Original title: Kritika cynického rozumu)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 500-503.
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(Original title: O ruskej exilovej literatúre)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 503-504.
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(Original title: Dejiny štátnych ideí)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 505-507.
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(Original title: Integrita osobnosti a diela)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 507-509.
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(Original title: Aktuálne o politickom mýte)
Filozofia, 46 (1991), 5, 509-512.
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