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Volume 48 (1993), 7


(Original title: K pojmu epistemického rámca vedeckej teórie)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 409-416.

The paper aims at a more precise articulation of the concept of the epistemic framework, giving us a means for a more accurate analysis of scientific revolutions and related problems of continuity and discontinuity in the evolution of science. In the second paragph the concepts of the ideal, conceptual, and evidential frameworks of a theory are introduced,… Read more

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(Original title: Na ceste od nebožského k božskému Bohu?)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 417-437.

Dealing with Heidegger's criticism of the God of metaphysics and with his own concept of God inspired by Hôlderlin the author came to the conclusion, that Heidegger opened the way to the God of poets and the God of experiences, and thus came close to the God of prophets, for which the stationary and abstract God of metaphysics was wholly unimaginable.

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Guests of the Slovak Philosophical Association

(Original title: Pragmatizmus a technika)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 438-447.
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(Original title: Inšpirácie filozofie. Rozhovor s Jánom Letzom)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 448-456.
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(Original title: Poznámka k Husserlovmu výroku „Der Traum ist ausgeträumt“)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 457-458.
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What the Other Write

(Original title: „Slúžiť časnej pravde, zabezpečiť pozemské dobro...“ (Notes et documents))
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 459-461.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Prvá Herderova cena za filozofiu na Slovensko)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 462-465.
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(Original title: Kierkegaardove dni)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 465-466.
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(Original title: K prameňom ruského komunizmu (N. Berďajev))
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 467-469.
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(Original title: Masaryk a myšlenka evropské jednoty)
Filozofia, 48 (1993), 7, 469-471.
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