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Volume 50 (1995), 10


(Original title: Paradox Sartrovej koncepcie slobody: fenomén neúprimnosti)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 523-531.

Has Sartre’s philosophy anything to say to us today?, Is it anything more than a witness of the revolt of the subjectivity against reason?, Did the Sartrian themes become a part of past due to postmodern philosophizing, or could they still offer an alternative resolution of the existential problems of modern humanity?. These are the questions put by the author in… Read more

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(Original title: J. P. Sartre: hľadanie zmyslu uprostred bytia (náčrt existenciálnej ontológie))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 532-539.

The paper is an attempt to rethink Sartre’s existential ontology as a relatively closed and consistent philosophical system, consisting of several basic and mutually related premises and concepts. The first group of these concepts (such as appearance of being and being of appearance, being in „itself and „ for itself‘, nothingness) make the background of Sartre’s… Read more

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(Original title: Ohlas existencializmu v tureckej literatúre)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 540-548.

In the second half of the fifties the political situation as well as some literary tendencies gave rise to a new stream in Turkish novel writing called „New literature“ or „The literature of anxiety“. The works of French existentialists J. P. Sartre and A. Camus exerted a considerable impact on the development of this literary stream and on the literary methods… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Heidegger a juhoslovanská filozofia praxe)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 549-558.

Philosophers of praxis did not just search for similarities and analogies between their and Heidegger’s philosophical thinking. The most interesting and the most important element they found in the basic project of Heidegger’s philosophy. In his Sein und Zeit they discovered a close similarity between their project based on Marxian philosophy, and that of… Read more

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(Original title: Sartre a Berďajev o humanizme)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 559-565.
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(Original title: Fenomenológia troch časových dimenzií)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 566-574.
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(Original title: Sartrov etický projekt)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 575-578.
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(Original title: Úcta k životu)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 579-580.
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(Original title: Sartrove cesty k slobode (J. P. Sartre))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 581-582.
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(Original title: K problémom environmentálnej etiky (S. J. Armstrong - R. J. Botzler (vyd.)))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 10, 583-584.
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