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Volume 56 (2001), 1


(Original title: Problém národa v slovenskom filozofickom myslení v prvej polovici 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 1-12.

The paper deals with the problem of nation in Slovak philosophical thought in the first half of the 20th century on the cultural, social and political background of that period. The author emphasizes the impact the modernization ideas had on the theoretical attitudes of some authors in this field. These developments resulted in a permanent conflict between the… Read more

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(Original title: Dva ontické řády)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 13-24.

The author beginns with a brief commentary on three philosophically remarcable concepts: F. A. Hayek's concept of endogenous and exogenous orders, D. Bohm's concept of implicative and explicative orders and K. R. Popper's concept of the three worlds. On Hayek he appreciates particularly his emphasizing the endogenous order, on Bohm on the other hand his… Read more

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(Original title: K pojmu symbolickej formy u E. Cassirera)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 25-41.

The paper offers a systematic historical analysis of the origins, the meaning and the extension of the basic concept of Cassirer´s philosophy of the later period, seen from various points of view. Its main object is Cassirer's essay of 1921, in which his only explicit definition oh this concept can be find. Further the author examines, to what extent the… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Nad zborníkom "Zo súčasnej chorvátskej filozofie")
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 42-45.
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Responses - Polemics

(Original title: O existenčnom rozmere a ontologickom statuse prírodných entít)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 46-52.
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(Original title: Načo písať filozofiu na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 53-64.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Filozofia a doba (2. slovenský filozofický kongres))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 65-68.
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(Original title: O špecifickosti procesu formovania identít (M. Csáky, E. Mannová))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 69-71.
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(Original title: Moderný výklad stoickej logiky (F. Gahér))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 1, 72-74.
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