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Volume 56 (2001), 10


(Original title: Súčasná morálna filozofia a problém cnosti)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 669-678.

In moral philosophy the problem of virtue has been neglected for a long time. The renaissance of the ethics of vitrues goes back to the 60ies. It had shad light on many problematic issues of the ethic of rules, i. e. of deontologism and utilitarism, and presented itself as an alternative approach. Instead of the question "How should we act?" it focused on the… Read more

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(Original title: Epistemologické aspekty dejín klasickej mechaniky)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 679-702.

The aim of the paper is to examine the changes, which occurred in the epistemological structure of classical mechanics during its development from Newton to Poincaré. The analysis is based on the reconstruction of the language form. Attention is paid to such aspects of the language of classical mechanics as the notion of pace (configurational space,… Read more

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(Original title: Dve koncepcie vzťahu psychológie a filozofie)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 703-713.

The paper offers a comparison of the understanding of the realtion between psychology and philosophy in classical and alternative psychologies. In the "externalistic" vision, connected with the classical psychology, the philosophy is seen mainly as a discipline "outside" of psychology: philosophy is not neither to exert a direct influence on psychology, nor to… Read more

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(Original title: Čriepky z Kuzánskeho)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 714-718.
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An Hour in the Editorial Office

(Original title: Moc a hodnoty v súčasnom svete (teror a globalizácia moci))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 719-727.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Živá filozofia H. Skolimowského na pôde katedry filozofie FF PU)
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 728-729.
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(Original title: Fenomén ruskej mentality (Eds.: Rossijskaja mentaľnosť: metody i problemy izučenija.))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 730-733.
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(Original title: Amicus Plato magis amica veritas (B. Dembiňski))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 733-738.
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(Original title: Husserlova korešpondencia a jej prvý zväzok (K. Schumann, E. Schumannová, eds.))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 739-741.
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(Original title: Mníchovskí fenomenológovia (K. Schumann, E. Schumannová, eds.))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 741-742.
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(Original title: Tretí zväzok Husserlovej korešpondencie (K. Schumann, E. Schumannová, eds.))
Filozofia, 56 (2001), 10, 743-744.
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