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Volume 58 (2003), 9


(Original title: K charakteristike intuitivizmu vo filozofii N. O. Losského)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 589-611.

The paper is an introduction into the concept of intuition and intuitivism in the philosophy of N. O. Lossky, considered as a leading personality of the Russian philosophy of the first half of the XIXth century and who also has been affiliated with Slovakia: in 1941 – 45 he was the chair of the department of philosophy at The Slovak University in Bratislava.… Read more

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(Original title: Fa-Cang (643-712), Traktát o zlatom levovi)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 612-623.

A Treatise on Golden Lion is one of the most familiar and the most popular treatises in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. Fazang , who made a system out of the classical form of learning in the Chinese school called „Flower wreath“ (Huayan), allegedly wrote this short work as a description of a real event – he explained his doctrine in the emperor ś palace using… Read more

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(Original title: Vstupuje svetová filozofia do novej historickej etapy tzv. "transmodernizmu"? (Správa a postrehy z priebehu XXI. svetového filozofického kongresu, ktorý sa konal v dňoch 10. - 17. augusta v tureckom Istanbule))
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 624-635.
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(Original title: Prieskumník virtuálnej reality)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 636-655.
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(Original title: Francis Bacon a metanarácie inštrumentálneho poznania)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 656-665.
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(Original title: Evolučná ontológia ako možný koniec ontologickej anémie (J. Šmajs - J. Krob))
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 9, 666-670.
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