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Volume 61 (2006), 2


(Original title: Násilie a jeho každodenné podoby (J.-P. Sartre ako teoretik násilia))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 87-106.

A great, though not exclusive subject of Sartre’s Books on Morals, published posthumously, is violence including the crucial question how to resist the situations, in which violence is involved. The first objective of the article is to unveil the everyday forms of violence. This leads the author to approach Sartre as a theoretician of violence, to show… Read more

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(Original title: Teória participácie v kontexte metafyziky sv. Tomáša Akvinského)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 107-118.

In the frame of the realism concerning the metaphysic knowledge the problematic of participation has its own, historically relatively short period of the more important interpretations. In the second half of the 20th century we have witnessed a renaissance of the study of participation, inspired by the metaphysical doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas. Many authors (… Read more

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(Original title: Problém ontologického statusu ľudských embryí)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 119-135.

The article examines the issues concerning the differentiated opinions on protection of human embryos or on using them in research. It analyses the arguments used in laws and in debates about human embryo research. The author has validated the argumentations of Damschen and Schönecker, i.e. the arguments of numerical identity and potentiality, and that of… Read more

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(Original title: Globálna transformácia, premena človeka a Minervina sova)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 136-146.
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(Original title: Filozof-revolucionár: K storočnici Emmanuela Mouniera)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 147-156.
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(Original title: Slovenský neokartezián Juraj Cíger)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 157-160.
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(Original title: Pozvanie na diskusiu)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 161-164.
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(Original title: 3. slovenský filozofický kongres alebo ak to myslíme s filozofovaním vážne)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 165-167.
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(Original title: Ak to myslíme s filozofiou vážne, tak ako ďalej, slovenskí filozofi?)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 167-171.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Správa z 3. slovenského filozofického kongresu)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 172.
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(Original title: Moderna a postmoderna (G. Delanty))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 173-176.
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(Original title: De apice theorie (M. Kuzánsky))
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 177-178.
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In Memoriam

(Original title: Za profesorom Jurajom Cígerom)
Filozofia, 61 (2006), 2, 179-180.
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