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Volume 64 (2009), 3


(Original title: Aplikačné možnosti synkriticizmu)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 183-194.

The paper summarizes the results achieved up to now in developing syncriticism as a philosophical-methodological approach and a way of life. The author focuses on the practical aspect of syncriticism, i.e. on atemporalistics, which represents the art of eliminating time from the individual’s life: replacing temporally achieving an objective by a timeless being in… Read more

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(Original title: Fenomenologie Merleau-Pontyho)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 195-206.

The paper offers an outline of M. Merleau-Ponty’s thought as represented in his earlier works The Structure of Behavior and Phenomenology of Perception. In them Merleau-Ponty, contrary to the conception of the subject as an “apprehending no- thingness”, tries to establish a mutual relationship between person and meaning, person and the other person, a sort of a… Read more

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(Original title: Nominačné tendencie v terminológii Martina Heideggera)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 207-218.

The terminological apparatus of M. Heidegger, reflecting a distinctive style of conceptual thinking, seems to be a complex, structurally ordered system: a fixed and a condensed idea of human existence. Lots of individual existentials, different in their meanings, forms and terminological values point to the creative and systematic efforts of the philosopher to… Read more

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Scientific Life

(Original title: Prednášky SFZ pri SAV)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 194.
(Original title: Správa zo 4. svetového fenomenologického kongresu)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 294-295.
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Discussions - Polemics

(Original title: Dominique Janicaud o čase. Na okraj jednej kritiky)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 219-228.
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(Original title: Cvičenie zo Šialenstva dňa)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 229-237.
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(Original title: Doslov (k práci M. Merleau-Pontyho Viditeľno a neviditeľno))
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 238-251.
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(Original title: Čo je pravda?)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 252-261.
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Pohľad za hranice

(Original title: Phenomenology without „Phenomenon“ – Ernst Cassirer’s Case)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 262-274.

Ernst Cassirer’s place in the 20th century philosophy is quite puzzling. Is it an appropriation of Kant’s transcendental philosophy for inclusion of relativity theory and quantum physics? Is it a Hegelian type of philosophy of culture and spirit? Or, at the face value, is it a direct heritage and application of the Marburg School of neo-Kantianism initiated by… Read more

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Inaugural Lectures

(Original title: Fenomén svedomia a personálna identita človeka)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 275-285.

The inaugural explores the phenomenon of conscience as including the reference to the first person and his/her identity: the conscience is intrinsically mine. The word mine refers here not only to the fact, hat the voice of conscience comes from inside of me, but also to my being addressed by it and connected through it with my genuine Self as a distinctive… Read more

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(Original title: Bal, K. – Wilková, J. (eds.): Gadameriana. Hans-Georg Gadamer w zbliżeniach Połska-Niemcy. Annäherungen Polen-Deutschland)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 286-287.
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(Original title: Tonkli-Komelová, A. (ed.): Europe, World and Humanity in the 21st Century. Phenomenological Perspectives)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 288-290.
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(Original title: Heidegger, M.: Rozvrh fenomenologické interpretace Aristotela)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 3, 291-293.
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