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Volume 64 (2009), 8


(Original title: Hegelova téza o nefilozofickosti a nevedeckosti súdobej teológie a jej následky)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 717-727.

The first half of the 19th century witnessed a wide-range debate concerning the relation between the speculative philosophy of religion and the theology of that time. Referring to a remark of Hegel in his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, in which he depicted Protestant theology of that time as unphilosophical and unscien- tific, a philosophical-theological… Read more

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(Original title: Kierkegaardovo využívanie žánra v konfrontácii s nemeckou filozofiou)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 728-738.

Søren Kierkegaard is an author who, due to his creative use of genre, has been difficult to characterize straightforwardly. His unconventional form of writing has at times been understood as a part of his criticism of German speculative philosophy; however, little work has been done to actually understand the nature of his criticism and his precise objection to… Read more

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Pohľad za hranice

(Original title: Intentions and Agency)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 739-747.

n my paper I investigate Harry G. Frankfurt’s philosophy of action from the point of view of the concept of intentionality in action. Many influential philosophers of action assume that agents have a separate faculty to form intentions. Most notably, Michael E. Bratman, David J. Velleman and Gary Watson claim that this ability is centrally important to our ability… Read more

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(Original title: Uvažovať s Blanchotom o priateľstve)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 748-756.

When considering the friendship Maurice Blanchot refers to the statement: “Ah, my friends, there is no friend”, ascribed to Aristotle. After Auschwitz it is impossible to look at a friend without certain distrust and the friendship finds its “true name” in the core of this aporetic tension and invincible contradiction For Blanchot the „true name of friendship“ is… Read more

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(Original title: Náčrt ontológie obrazu: Heidegger a Blanchot)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 757-764.
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(Original title: Filozofia ako reflexia skúsenosti (K 150. výročiu narodenia Johna Deweyho))
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 765-773.

The paper provides a focused account of John Dewey’s philosophy centered around his metaphysics of experience and theory of inquiry as the gist of his contribution. Other important aspects of his unprecedent work, such as instrumentalism, philosophy of education, theory of democracy, are also given attention. The intention of the author is also to present Dewey’s… Read more

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(Original title: Druhý a struktura zkušenosti: mezi Blanchotem a Lévinasem)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 774-780.

The aim of the paper is the comparison of the conceptions of Emmanuel Levinas and Maurice Blanchot, which should serve as a basis of the further contemplation of the relationship between the thinking and experience. The shared critical view of the phenomenological interpretation of experience leads both philosophers to an alter- native conception, in which… Read more

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(Original title: Hraničná skúsenosť čítania: Maurice Blanchot)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 781-792.

Referring to a passage from Blanchot’s novel Thomas l’Obscure, the paper questions the clear contours between literature and philosophy as disciplines. The point where the clear distinction breaks down is the phenomenon of reading. In a decisive moment of each authentic reading, the author tries to introduce a “phenomenology of reading”, in which we ourselves as… Read more

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(Original title: Od aplikovaného racionalizmu k aplikovanej fenomenológii (Nová vedecká pedagogika Gastona Bachelarda))
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 793-803.

The paper shows the development of Gaston Bachelard’s thought from his early writings to later meditations on daydreams. Bachelard’s “scientific contribution” is characterized by his conception of applied rationalism, and his conviction that a true science must be justified by a rectification process. Theoretical rationalization must necessarily be applied in… Read more

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(Original title: Heidegger a inkorporácia gréckej metafyziky do kresťanskej teológie)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 804-809.

The essay deals with the problem of historical incorporation of Greek metaphysics into Christian theology. The approach adopted is inspired by Martin Heidegger’s ideas. Heidegger identified the platform for the incorporation of Greek metaphysics into Christian theology with the understanding of thinking as uncovering of being as being. According to Heidegger,… Read more

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(Original title: Calin, R. – Sebbah, F.-D.: Le vocabulaire de Levinas (Levinasov slovník))
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 810-812.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Správa z medzinárodnej vedeckej kantovskej konferencie Človek – dejiny – kultúra III)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 813-814.
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(Original title: Za Mariánom Cehelníkom (1954 – 2009))
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 8, 815.
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