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Volume 72 (2017), 9


(Original title: Tri možné modely vzťahu prirodzeného/biologického a politického/sociálneho)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 685-697.

The contribution deals with the problem which, regardless of more than one possible resolution, still remains unresolved, namely the relationship between the natural biological condition of humans on one side and the politics and their social life on the other. Drawing on several well-known philosophical approaches, the author describes three main models of… Read more

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(Original title: Ľudská prirodzenosť, rozum a emócie: Pohľad T. Akvinského a D. Huma)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 698-710.

The paper deals with the understanding of human nature in the philosophy of T. Aquinas and D. Hume. Its aim is to highlight some of the naturalistic tendencies in the writings of both authors. Naturalism is conceived as a position which in the explanation of human nature underlines the role of natural dispositions, inclinations and capacities operating in human… Read more

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(Original title: Metóda explanácie ako postupnosť inštrukcií)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 711-723.

The paper proposes a sequence of instructions that corresponds to the method of explanation in its ideal form. The method of explanation is not analytic. Nevertheless, its particular executions may be analytic without affecting its specific cognitive goal (the growth in understanding). Therefore, the method is characterized as “potentially analytic”. Drawing on… Read more

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(Original title: Badiou beyond Formalization? On the Ethics of the Subject)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 724-735.

The paper addresses the tension between Badiou’s claim that his theory of the subject must be considered first of all as a ‘formal’ theory, and a certain genealogical history of his notion of the subject. In the latter case, it seems that a very specific political experience has played a crucial role (at least) for Badiou in his early conception of the subject.… Read more

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(Original title: The Restless Liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 736-747.

This essay attempts to contextualise the purported novelty of Alexis de Tocqueville’s particular brand of liberalism. It regards the author not as an heir or precursor to any given political tradition, but rather as a compelled syncretist whose primary philosophical concern was the moral significance of the democratic age. It suggests that Tocqueville devised his… Read more

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(Original title: The Totemic Function of the Contemporary Polish Post-Noble Milieu)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 748-758.

Following the Essex School’s discourse theory’s insights on the failed status of both subject and social order this paper analyses the role of noble legacy-oriented fantasies in totemic status positioning in contemporary Poland. Secondly, this study is concerned with the role of totemic effervescence in the constitution and maintaining the collective identity… Read more

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(Original title: Plašienková, Z., Bizoň, M.: Antropológia normativity v myslení Pierra Teilharda de Chardin a Martina Bubera. Človek – Príroda – Boh)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 759-762.
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(Original title: Zozuľak, J.: Byzantská filozofia)
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 763-765.
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(Original title: Za Václavom Černíkom (7. 5. 1931 – 13. 10. 2017))
Filozofia, 72 (2017), 9, 766-767.
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