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Publication Details

Our Philosophical Development: Retrospectives and Perspectives

(Original title: Náš filozofický vývin: retrospektívy a perspektívy)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 329-339.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
The present contribution is one that has been delivered at the all-state seminar of Czechoslovak philosophers and sociologists at Smolenice on the 10th —1 11th April, 1973. In the first part the author investigates critically the connections of the development of philosophical thinking in our country in the recent period with the all-society crisis evoked by the antimarxist and antisocialist forces. These connections, according to the author, manifested themselves most strikingly in the attempts at the so called de-ideologization of marxism, in attempts at a “revival“ of the marxist theoretical thinking from the positions of philosophical anthropologism and scienticism. The author has paid special attention to the connection between the attempt at absolutization of the subject in society, depreciation of the role of the proletariat in the struggle for the victory of socialism. The other part of the paper points out the chief tasks of philosophical research in this country in the nearest period.
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