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Volume 25 (1970), 5

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Leninizmus a problémy filozofie prírodných vied)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 397-401.
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(Original title: O zdrojoch a povahe Leninovej filozofie)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 402-412.
From the very beginning of his revolutionary activity Lenin understands philosophy in Marx's spirit, foremost, as the most comprehensive theory and basis of the theoretico — practical activity of the revolutionary subject — proletariat under the leadership of communist party. That is why his philosophical creation is a significant part of his whole socioideological… Read more
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(Original title: Kategória kauzality a funkcie v genéze vedy)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 413-429.
The author in this paper proceeds from four stages of the development of scientific reasoning — classificatory, relative, causal, dialectical — and shows that especially when considering the last two explicatory methods we talk adequately about the concept of cause — effect and that of function in science. The author, at the same time, describes, on the whole, the… Read more
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(Original title: Niektoré problémy synonymity jazykových výrazov)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 430-442.
This paper has a continuity with the work (3) (see the bibliography of the article) in whicb various definitions of synonymy are constructed that are based upon the concept of the extentional izomorphy. There are here studied various intuitive requirements laid on the synonymy of expressions of language and analyzed the relations between the concepts of synonymy,… Read more
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(Original title: O problémoch našej filozofie)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 443-445.
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(Original title: Problémy a perspektívy logických výskumov vo Filozofickom ústave Bulharskej akadémie vied)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 445-447.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Lenin a veda (prednáška v Slovenskej filozofickej spoločnosti))
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 448-458.
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(Original title: Záznam z diskusie k prednáške M. Topoľského)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 458-460.
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(Original title: Stretnutie zástupcov filozofických časopisov v Kyjeve)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 460-468.
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(Original title: Kapitoly z axiológie (V))
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 469-475.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: I. S. Narskij o problémoch — antinómiách)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 476-480.
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(Original title: Priestor a čas vo fyzike)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 481-484.
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(Original title: Ortega y Gasset, Úloha našej doby)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 485-488.
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(Original title: Informace o sborníku Praxeologie a její využití v řídící práci)
Filozofia, 25 (1970), 5, 488-490.
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