Volume 51 (1996), 4
(Original title: Apodiktická logika základných ontologických pojmov ‚bytie‘ a ‚nebytie‘)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 219-227.Abstract
The radical critical analysis of the fundamental ontological concepts (categories) (being and noI being) gives the apodictical (categorical) basis for the exact and comprehensive philosophical and sciencific analysis of reality.
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(Original title: Poriadok trhu vo svetle morálky)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 228-235.Abstract
The author focuses on two questions: Is there anything like the market order, or the market turns a territory, dominated by the enterpreneurs-predators enforcing their own rules?; Given the existence of market order, what role plays the morality in it? In the first part of the paper the nature of market order is analyzed. Two opposing market conceptions are… Read more
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From Young Writers’ Competition
(Original title: Sprievodca po tom, čo sa má tak a tak)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 236-241.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Konkrétne vlastné mená a fregeovský zmysel)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 242-252.File to download: PDF
Reflections - Essays
(Original title: Na margo úvah o slovenskom filozofickom disente)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 253-257.File to download: PDF
Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools
From the History of Slovak Philosophical Thought
(Original title: Filozofické dimenzie tvorby S. B. Hroboňa)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 268-272.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Samo Bohdan Hroboň - básnik filozofických vízií?)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 273-277.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Vedomie ako „darvinovský stroj“ (0. Flanagan))
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 278-281.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Portrét intelektuála: pokus o demystifikáciu (P. Johnson))
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 281-283.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Bytie, poznanie, konanie (H. Beck-E. Schadel (vyd.)))
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 4, 283-286.File to download: PDF