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Volume 64 (2009), 4

Young Philosophy

(Original title: Implikácia a tri druhy obsahovej súvislosti)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 339-345.

The primary aim of the paper is to introduce a new notion of relevance of the antecedent of a true implication statement to its consequent, and to sketch a formalization of the new notion. The formalization is set up in the framework of the so called Logic of Strict Processes (LSP), as articulated by the author in collaboration with J. Podroužek. Their approach to… Read more

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(Original title: Dynamická logika striktných procesov)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 346-350.

The aim of the paper is to sketch some solutions that arose along the work on Logic of Strict Processes (LSP). Three main topics are discussed: (a) negation based on implication constructed in intuitionistic fashion; (b) satisfiability in multimodal contexts and (c) a proposal of a first order semantics for Dynamic Logic of Strict Processes (DLSP). The system of… Read more

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(Original title: Reverzibilita a dogmatizmus ako filozofické štýly)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 351-355.

The paper offers an analysis of reversibility, a stylistic strategy philosophers employ when solving theoretical dilemmas. Reversibility means oscillating of a philosopher between two contradictory truths or dogmas. First, the adherent of reversibility faces two contradictory truths or dogmas. What follows is a rejection or an acceptance of both poles. In contrast… Read more

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(Original title: K problematike uznania)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 356-361.

The aim of the paper is to present the model of recognition as a substantial part of contemporary conceptions of justice. Its basis is the clarification of the theoretical background of the problem of recognition in the communitarian critique of liberalism. This critique embodies the dilemma of the relationship between equal approach (the principle of equality)… Read more

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(Original title: Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari a problém mesta)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 362-368.

The paper tries to shed light on the philosophical consequences of the concept of risoma, employed by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari. At the same time it shows that the concept could contribute to the philosophical discussion of the city, architecture and urbanism problematics.

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(Original title: K pojmu vzdelanca vo filozofii Johanna Gottlieba Fichteho)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 369-374.

The paper deals with the position of a scholar in the society, as articulated in the philosophy of J. G. Fichte. It also offers a brief outline of the philosophies of education of the 18th and 19th centuries and their differences. It shows different interpretations of the concept of Bildung in German philosophy, which in that time became almost a “fashion”. The… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofický kontext Jungovy teorie komplexů a archetypů)
Filozofia, 64 (2009), 4, 375-382.

The paper gives a hermeneutical description of Jung’s theory of complexes and archetypes, in which the complexes are defined as those parts of psyche which have split from it. Thus the human inward could not be conceived as a simple and unified whole. Complexes were understood as neutral “nodal points” of the inner structure of psyche. Jung’s searching for the… Read more

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