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To the Problems of Ontology

(Original title: K problémom ontológie)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 360-369.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
The knowledge and the social-human practice are possible on principle only because of the fact that being is not chaotic but that it is somehow d'fferentiated. The expression somehow states the supposition or the potential possibility of a concrete determination of being in the situation of an already once introduced dialectical contact of objectified being and of the cognitivepractical subject. Thus I suppose that being outside my consciousness is more differenciated than the forms or modes of being I actually perceive. In the theoretical-practical activity we annect the being outside our consciousness, i. e. we transform it into a concrete reality. It is necessary to distinguish between the question of existencial independence of being upon consciousness and the ontological question of modes of existence and its characteristic. The ontological category of being is the expression of its concrete shape. To recognize the concrete reality or the object means to seize its constitutive relations cognitively. Objects and facts are only relatively permanent punctions of mutual and contradictory operation of a qualitatively infinitely diverse reality.
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