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Volume 29 (1974), 1

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Ideológia a súčasnosť)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 3-8.
The social being of things (Wertgegenständlichkeit) is expressed as value only in confrontation with the opinions that the subject uses in evaluation as an equivalent of the evaluated. It is not only the resulting picture of reality in the evaluating consciousness that depends on the opinions which have become the standards in evaluation, but also the value conduct… Read more
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(Original title: K jednej interpretácii marxistického pojmu slobody)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 9-15.pdf.
Many interpreters of the marxist notion of freedom take Engels’s, formulation about freedom as a recognized inevitability for the marxist definition of freedom. It escapes their attention that Engels, by means of this formulation, did not characterize his but Hegel’s conception of freedom. The author of the paper points out that the recognized inevitability still… Read more
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(Original title: O slobode)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 16-21.
Any assessment of the ontic and ontological stature of man includes also the statement of his freedom. Conceived from the purely formal standpoint freedom becomes evident as a paradox: it means gaining independence, autonomization amidst the limitation of inevitabilities, i. e. amidst a certain contingency and dependence. Freedom consists in the transforming action… Read more
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(Original title: Politická aktivita — součást socialistického životního způsobu)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 22-33.
The basic axis of the way of life is formed by material production (man as the creator of values) that itself finds its reflection in the life of people, in the extra-working sphere of life (man as the consumer of values). The proportion and the mutual relation of these two spheres of people’s life are an expression of a certain stage of the development of forces of… Read more
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(Original title: K marxisticko-leninskému chápaniu praxe)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 34-49.
Practice in the system of marxist-leninist philosophy has the central position; by means of it and on the firm materialist basis a practical way of man’s self-creation can be revealed in the dialectics of the relation nature man. This is the way that is proper only to man as the objective — social, practical — transforming creature. By means of practice — namely… Read more
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(Original title: Kategorie sebe-vědomí ve filosofické tradici)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 50-61.
The category of self-consciousness in the beginnings of philosophy acquired almost a central importance (Socrates). Later on it was understood as a rational substantiation of authenticity of existence (Descartes). Hegel extended essentially the meaning of this category when he included into, it not only the abstract I, but the consciousness of the other I, the forms… Read more
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(Original title: O jednej metóde výstavby logiky prvého stupňa)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 62-74.
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(Original title: Etológia — teória správania sa)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 75-82.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Analýza práce a techniky)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 91-92.
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(Original title: O predmete filozofie)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 92-97.
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(Original title: O vývoji kategórií priestoru, času a pohybu)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 97-99.
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(Original title: Význam slova ako pojem?)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 99-100.
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(Original title: Anglická buržoázna filozofia 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 100-104.
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(Original title: Pokus o systematizáciu morálnych noriem)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 104-107.
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(Original title: Úvod do religionistiky)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 1, 107-110.
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