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Volume 29 (1974), 4

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Slovenské národné povstanie a ideový boj na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 345-359.
In the period of the national liberation struggle a tough struggle of ideas was led and reached its top in the Slovak National Insurrection, which brought the definite defeat of the clerical-fashist ideology on the one hand and of the ideology of “Czechoslovakism“ on the other hand. In this period at the same time, namely in the period of the Slovak National… Read more
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(Original title: K problémom ontológie)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 360-369.
The knowledge and the social-human practice are possible on principle only because of the fact that being is not chaotic but that it is somehow d'fferentiated. The expression somehow states the supposition or the potential possibility of a concrete determination of being in the situation of an already once introduced dialectical contact of objectified being and of… Read more
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(Original title: Abstraktní humanismus jako teoretický základ tzv. socialismu „s lidskou tváří“)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 370-377.
Abstract humanism in our social conditions has manifested itself as a specific form of revisionism, developing on the neo-Hegelian and existentional fundaments. The heralds of abstract humanism misunderstood the object of philosophy and reduced it to a specifically conceived philosophical anthropology. At the same time they refused the substance of the marxist-… Read more
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(Original title: Svetonázor pri formovaní socialistického vedomia človeka)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 378-388.
The cultivation of man’s consciousness is conditioned by experiences in two basic levels. The consciousness is determined both by the everyday experience of practice as the empiric consciousness, and, at the same time, it is determined by the experience of science as the theoretical consciousness. But the theoretical consciousness of man has also its levels of… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofia Praxisu a my)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 389-399.
The questions of the philosophy of PRAXIS have become in the ČSSR generally and in Slovakia especially topical, and not by chance. This is connected with the history of our philosophy and with the social process of the late fifties and during the sixties. That is to say, these are the years when namely our young theoreticians came across ideas rather unknown to them… Read more
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(Original title: „Kritická teória“ a súčasný filozofický revizionizmus)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 400-412.
The comparative method is used for investigating the mutual influence of the “Frankfurt School“ and the contemporary West-European philosophical revisionism. Both movements reduce marxism to a mere social theory, they deny its materialistic. substance and validity in relation to nature. They refuse the basic philosophical question as a non-scientific “abstractum“.… Read more
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(Original title: Logické základy formovania presvedčenia)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 413-426.
The forming of communist persuasion is the aim of the ideologicaleducational activity of the communist party. The author analyses the separate component parts of the complicated process of ideological effecting the masses and generalizes the conclusions for the propagandist practice. He differenciates four chief elements of any persuasion, namely the socialvalue… Read more
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(Original title: Diskusie „Okrúhleho stola“ 1973 — 1974)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 427-434.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Prednáška prof. S. F. Anisimova)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 435-436.
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(Original title: List účastníkov Valného zhromaždenia SFS Ústrednému výboru KSS)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 437.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Asmusova monografie v slovenském překladu)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 438-441.
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(Original title: Príspevok k dejinám sovietskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 441-443.
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(Original title: Štrukturálna analýza poznania)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 443-445.
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(Original title: Komplexně k dějinám společenského myšlení)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 445-448.
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(Original title: Bolzanova teória vedy)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 448-449.
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