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Publication Details

Heidegger: The Basic Idea

(Original title: Heidegger: základná myšlienka)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 6, 263-274.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

We seek to emphasise a peculiar brand of irony ingrained in Heidegger’s account of his own thoughts. He would resort to the language of religion and theology just to articulate radical a-Christian thoughts. The language of the modem metaphysics of subjectivity would be used by him for the levelling severe criticisms against the fundamental idea of modern thinking, i.e., that of the sovereign subject. Heidegger has undertaken to do philosophising in the debris of modern humanistic traditions. Likewise, he would employ the value language to express radical nihilistic positions; the language of activism, again, would help him to articulate various modalities of human passivism and dependable referenciality. A human is but a powerless sovereign, a design cast in the winds of contingency, who chooses from nothing, at once making no difference and being responsible for everything. One can only choose his or her self to lose it in the wake.

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