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Volume 26 (1971), 4

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Marxistická filozofia a revolučná prax komunistickej strany)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 329-340.
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(Original title: Úvaha o ľudskom rozume)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 341-354.
The author in his paper denies the capability of reason to regulate human activity. According to him man is moved only by the irrational, first of all by instincts, and reason is at his employ. And as human instincts are dialectically contradictory, reason serves good and evil, depending on what interest orders it to recognize. Reason itself has no morale, it does… Read more
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(Original title: Technika ako filozofický problém)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 355-364.
The notion „technology“ is understood by many authors from the socialist countries in a simplified way, first of all its instrumental aspect is taken absolutely. The anthropological basis of technology is being ignored or not too much importance is assigned to it. Such a metaphysical and a-historical approach to technology takes into account only the result of human… Read more
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(Original title: Dimenzie spoločenskej podstaty človeka v diele K. Marxa)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 365-376.
The presented problems of Marx’s understanding of man from the period of the Manuscripts in the year 1848 and from the period of the so called critical turn represented chiefly by the German ideology express on the whole the chief theoretical philosophical standpoints, in which Marx’s effort to explain the social-historical process on the basis of real, practically… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofický základ dualistického učenia Jána Horvátha)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 377-385.
The author selected and summarized in his paper the essence of philosophical dualism as it was lectured at the Trnava University by one of its professors in the second half of the 18th century, when the activity of this university in Trnava culminated. The authority of the Church and its doctrine, Aristotle’s teaching and that of other authorities in the period of… Read more
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(Original title: O povahe vedomia v prácach sovietskych filozofov)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 386-395.
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(Original title: Bulharský časopis Filosofska misľ v roku 1970)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 395-402.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Vedecká konferencia o rozvoji marxizmu-leninizmu na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 403.
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(Original title: Podstata a charakter vedeckotechnickej revolúcie a jej spoločenské a ľudské dôsledky)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 404-413.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Novoveká racionalistická filozofia)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 414-420.
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(Original title: Štruktúrne roviny živej hmoty)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 420-426.
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(Original title: A. Schopenhauer v poľskej edícii filozofických portrétov)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 426-430.
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(Original title: Nová ročenka venovaná výskumu systémov)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 431-433.
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(Original title: Filozofické štúdie J. L. Fischera)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 433-436.
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(Original title: Náročná učebnice filosofie)
Filozofia, 26 (1971), 4, 436-440.
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