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Volume 28 (1973), 4

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Náš filozofický vývin: retrospektívy a perspektívy)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 329-339.
The present contribution is one that has been delivered at the all-state seminar of Czechoslovak philosophers and sociologists at Smolenice on the 10th —1 11th April, 1973. In the first part the author investigates critically the connections of the development of philosophical thinking in our country in the recent period with the all-society crisis evoked by the… Read more
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(Original title: Ideologický a teoreticko-metodologický základ buržoáznych koncepcií vedeckotechnickej revolúcie (Možnosť humanizácie vedeckotechnickej revolúcie a jej vzťah k sociálnej revolúcii))
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 340-355.
In the introductory part of the paper the contradictory character of the scientific-technological revolution is pointed out and the social-human problems that are brought about with it. The author emphasizes the fact that the scientific-technological revolution is the subject of a sharp ideological fight. The marxist-leninist powers lead a sharp struggle not only for… Read more
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(Original title: Človek (osobnosť), kultúra a morálka)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 356-366.
„The substance of human nature“ can be revealed only by an analysis consisting in the dialectical unity of the biological-anthropological „given fact“ and in the historical concreteness of realizatoin a self-realization of man in work and in social practice. In the basis of forming “human nature“ there are the changing social-economic formations (including capitalism… Read more
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(Original title: Aktuálne problémy výuky a výchovy mladej filozofickej generácie)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 367-376.
The author analyses the problem on the basis of experiences of the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava. He points at the substance of new ways and methods of the teaching and education of students of philosophy, the aim of which has been to replace and outdo the mistakes, drawbacks and… Read more
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(Original title: Prenikanie Koperníkovho učenia na Slovensko)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 377-392.
The author elaborates in his paper the history of the struggle of copernicanism with anticopernicanism in Slovakia. The struggle had been lasting for almost one and a half centuries, abruptly from the first half of the 17th till the end of the 17th centuries, when heliocentrism won and started to be popularized. The author has noticed the scientific and ideological… Read more
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(Original title: Dialektická celistvosť ľudských aktivít)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 393-411.
The variety of objective reality implies also the variety of forms of human activities expressing — in principle — the mutual dialectical connection and conditionality. Practice, as a uniting process of history and nature, man and society is the historical expression of the dialectics of variety of man’s active manifestation. An analysis of social practice, of its… Read more
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(Original title: Spoločensko-ľudský rozmer práce)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 412-420.
Marxist philosophy derives the conception of human labour from the unity of the natural and social dimension of reality. The man, by his labour, tenacious of purpose, mediates dialectically between man and nature. The result of this settlement is the forming and constant improving of the social “nature“ with all its corresponding relations and the forming of man into… Read more
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(Original title: Dialektické súvislosti medicíny a filozofie u R. Descarta)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 421-436.
Descartes keeps a place of honour in the history of medicine as the discoverer of the conditioned and unconditioned reflex, as the founder of scientific psychology and the creator of basic methodological notions. His scholardy operation is potentialized by a deep social sense, practically certified by friendliness to people and by iniciativě interest in increasing… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofická tvorba v Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 437-441.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: K otázkam rozvoja marxistickej vedy (Diskusný príspevok na Valnom zhromaždení SAV))
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 442-443.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Strana a socialistická kultúra)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 444-446.
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(Original title: Štúdie z histórie marxisticko-leninskej etiky v ZSSR)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 446-449.
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(Original title: Dialektika a súčasná fyzika)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 449-452.
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(Original title: Filozof o problémoch techniky)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 452-455.
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(Original title: Příspěvek ke studiu dějin marxisticko-leninské filosofie)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 4, 455-458.
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