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Volume 31 (1976), 5


(Original title: Funkcia vedomia pri utváraní socialistického spôsobu života)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 449-454.
The author in his paper deals with the question of consciousness in the forming of socialist way of life. The basis of the whole system of way of life is formed, first of all, by the changes in the material-technical basis, in economics and in the social structure. This is a very complicated dialectical relation between the changes in the structure of the society and… Read more
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Papers - The Problems of Marxist Gnozeology

(Original title: Kategória ideálna a jej miesto v kategoriálnom systéme marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 455-463.
In the first point the basic content of the category of the ideal, the concept of the relation of the ideal and the material are delimitated. The question of the presupposition of the rise and the function of the ideal in man’s life is dealt with. In the second point the homonyms and synonyms of the ideal and its related notions, terms are semantically analyzed. In… Read more
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(Original title: Niektoré gnozeologické aspekty jazykovej komunikácie)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 464-470.
In the first part of the paper the author discusses critically the psychologizing views according to which every man connects different experiences and ideas with the particular expression. He points out the social character and the social conditioning of the acquiring and the using of words. The second part of the paper is devoted to a critical analysis of the… Read more
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Papers - Philosophy and Sciences

(Original title: Veda o vede a ideologické aspekty riadenia vedy)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 471-485.
The effect in the practice of the management of science presupposes theoretical information that covers the whole complex of objective relations of the intergration of science and production. The significance of the system-structural analysis of the processes of integration of science and production. The ideological problems of the tactics and strategy of science… Read more
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(Original title: Imanentný zákon dialektických totalít)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 486-503.
There are attempts at forming a methodology of science on the principles of factual and idealized law. Marx in his The Capital discovered a type of law that is a form of an (expanded) reproduction of the basis conditions of the historically concrete wholes (organic systems). On its basis the idealized and factual law can be theoretically substantiated.
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(Original title: Filozofické aspekty chápania determinizmu v psychológii)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 504-511.
The author in his contribution introduces a brief survey of the development of the views of the conception of determinism in psychology, from the idealistic indeterminism of psychology of consciousness, through mechanistic conceptions to the contemporary dialectical-materialistic conception of determinism in Marxist psychology and he comes to the conclusion that the… Read more
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(Original title: Maďarský a bulharský časopis o práci slovenského vedca)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 512.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Varnianska letná škola 1976)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 513-515.
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(Original title: Príspevok k rozvoju marxistickej sociálnej vedy)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 516-517.
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(Original title: Prvá monografia o filozofických problémoch genetiky v češtine)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 517-520.
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(Original title: Príspevky k filozofickým aspektom techniky)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 521-525.
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(Original title: Filozoficky o estetike)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 526-529.
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(Original title: Dejiny filozofie a otázky kultúry)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 529-531.
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(Original title: O metodológii fyziky)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 5, 531-535.
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