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Volume 32 (1977), 1


(Original title: Angažovanou a tvorivou vedeckou prácou za úspešné plnenie záverov XV. zjazdu KSČ)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 3-6.
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Papers - Marxism and Structuralism

(Original title: Marxizmus a štrukturalizmus)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 7-32.
In his paper Marxism and Structuralism the author deals with the problems of structuralism and criticizes it from the positions of Marxism-Leninism. Structuralism as a philosophical system „spiritual“ belongs substantially to idealistic streams and in its socialpolitical consequences it is literally anticommunist. It is characterized by anti-historicism, anti-… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofické predpoklady štruktúrneho bádania)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 33-39.
The contribution to the discussion at the conference on Marxism and Structuralism is dealing with the problems of structural research in natural-scientific and social-scientific branches. The author emphasizes the positive aspects of structural methodological proceedings at elucidating the structural and systemic properties of the inner coherent and consistent wholes… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým aspektom prekonávania štrukturalistických vplyvov v sociológii)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 40-50.
The study starts from the report delivered by the author at the scientific conference on “Marxism and Structuralism“ at Smolenice on October 8th, 1976. It is critically directed against the penetration of structural-functional influences into Czechoslovak sociology, namely into the sphere of empirical research of the social structure in the sixties. The author holds… Read more
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(Original title: K filozoficko-ideologickému aspektu štruktúrnej analýzy)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 51-60.
In this paper the author points out the heterogenous and differentiated character of contemporary structuralism. This fact must be respected also by the Marxist-Leninist critical analysis of structuralism and regarded at forming its relation to individual forms of structuralist manifestation, at emphasizing the Marxist traditions in application of structural analysis… Read more
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(Original title: Štrukturalizmus a historická veda)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 61-68.
I can see two main reasons why in Czechoslovakia in the sixties a comparatively rapid “modernization“ of Marxism could succeed. The historians underestimated the theoretical or conceptional or methodological questions of their scientific branch and for a long time they could not cope with the question of elaborating a new Marxist conception of historical science. A… Read more
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Papers - Philosophy and Society

(Original title: Dejinnotvorná subjektivita socialistickej spoločnosti a metodologické otázky historiografie)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 69-77.
The author considers some of the methodological problems of historiography of the history of socialist society and communist parties that result from the new dimension of the historical development of socialist society, namely that the socialist society is created as a subject of the history-formative activity of its own. The preconditions of this subjectivity are… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým otázkam špecifickosti morálky ako spoločenského javu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 78-83.
The problems of morale enjoy more and more attention of philosophers. Also the questions of its specificity come to the centre of their interest. Investigating some aspects of science and morale and in connection with it also the question of the functions of morale we have come to the conclusion that morale is a specific social phenomenon surpassing the form of… Read more
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(Original title: Miesto a úloha výučby filozofie v svetonázorovej výchove poslucháčov)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 84-89.
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(Original title: Oponentúry hlavných úloh štátneho plánu základného výskumu 5R)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 90-93.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Todor Pavlov a teória odrazu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 94-100.
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(Original title: Vedeckotechnická revolúcia a prednosti socializmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 100-106.
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(Original title: Pozitivizmus a veda)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 107-111.
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(Original title: Poznámky k Stegmüllerovej koncepcii vedeckého vysvetľovania)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 111-115.
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(Original title: Polemika s Jaspersom)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 115-117.
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(Original title: Realita a problémy spôsobu života)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 1, 117-120.
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