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Volume 38 (1983), 4


(Original title: Filozofia v súčasnej dobe (К XVII. svetovému filozofickému kongresu))
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 393-401.
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(Original title: Ľudská subjektivita a dialektika jej prejavu)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 402-414.
The analysis of human subjectivity, its components and dialectics of their manifestation in the interaction of „Man — Nature Society“ ought to start with the basic methodologic postulate — that subjectivity „in itself“ has no objective specification. However, as its substance — according to the classics — lies in the subjectivity of practice as the historically… Read more
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(Original title: K Marxovmu pojmu ľudská podstata)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 415-424.
Marx’s concept of human substance as totality of social relations is considered to be the basic specification and starting point on Marxist philosophic conception of Man. The author lays stress on historic-philosophical connections of this formulation and concludes that, apart from this characteristic, Marx defines human substance in the German Ideology as „the… Read more
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(Original title: Tvorivá aktivita subjektu vo vedeckom poznaní)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 425-435.
In the paper the author raises the question of creative activity of the subject in scientific cognition, his freedom and limitations, determined by the object of cognition. The starting point of solving this question was a critical evaluation of 1] the neo-positivist conception of freedom of the subject of scientific cognition, „logical constructions“ (or theoretical… Read more
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(Original title: Dvojaký charakter práce a sociálny čas)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 436-446.
In the paper the transformation of natural temporality into social temporality is elucidated, starting from the dual objectification of the results of human work. The forming of social time is not conceived as linear quantitative changes but as antagonistic evolution, taking place both in the sphere of objective preconditions and results of productive activity and in… Read more
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(Original title: Internacionalizmus, vlastenectvo a súčasnosť)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 447-456.
The author deals with problems of internationalism and patriotism from the viewpoint of their philosophic aspects. Proletarian and socialist internationalism is characterized as the ideology of the proletariat which substantiates its international interests and aims. Patriotism is defined, according to Lenin’s opinions, as a component of social emotionality of people… Read more
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Papers - Philosophy and Culture

(Original title: Človek — kultúra — spoločnosť)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 457-469.
In culture the process of mutual transformation of the subjective and objective, the ideal and real, the spiritual and material, the spontaneous, causal and lawful is taking place. Culture is typical of considerable dynamics. The principle of activity has high heuristic value in problems of culture. Activity and subjectivity are inseparably connected with one another… Read more
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(Original title: Systémovo-štruktúrna analýza problému modelovania filozofického poznania)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 470-475.
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(Original title: Gnozeologický status výpočtových teórií myslenia)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 476-485.
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(Original title: Rímsky klub — prehľad a výsledky činnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 486-490.
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(Original title: K problému náboženského jazyka v americkej radikálnej teológii)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 491-501.
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(Original title: K problematike teórie osobnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 502-506.
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(Original title: Úvahy o osobnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 506-510.
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(Original title: Podnetná publikácia k teoretickým otázkam svetonázoru)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 4, 510-512.
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