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Volume 45 (1990), 3


(Original title: Editoriál)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 241.
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(Original title: Proces vnitřní sebedestrukce Husserlova principu danosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 242-255.

The ethos of a new beginning which was then promised by phenomenological philosophy was, with Husserl and Fink, in unity with speculative vigour of programmatic ideas. Nowadays these moments in phenomenological philosophy have split. Some phenomenologists try to elaborate also Husserl’s intuitivist method seriously and stubbornly… Read more

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(Original title: Úvod k teórii depersonifikácie kapitálu (kritika súčasného marxizmu-leninizmu))
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 256-268.

The paper is a preliminary summarization of a more extensive project „A Theory of Depersonalization of Capital“, which is going to be worked out by the author in the near future. It therefore bears informative character. Its key motif is to make readers acquainted with… Read more

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(Original title: O časovosti lásky)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 269-287.

The Theme of the paper is some aspects of temporality of love. The author abandons partially traditional philosophical treatment of problems in question by understanding love not only as a way of transcending human life but also as a social phenomenon, characterized by the historical and temporal system. By… Read more

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(Original title: Vývin pojmov)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 288-308.

The object of investigation, expounded in this paper, is the thesis that concepts evolve. The author attempts to show that this thesis is surrounded by much confusion and is ambiguous and that consequences following from the thesis after making it more precise throw great doubt on its validity. The ambiguity… Read more

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(Original title: Oneskorená pocta Gabrielovi Marcelovi)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 309-314.
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(Original title: Fenomenológia a teológia)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 315-326.
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Slovak philosophical society

(Original title: Filozofia v totalitnej a v demokratickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 327-337.
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Scientific life

(Original title: Masaryk a dnešok)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 338-339.
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(Original title: Gramsci, dnešný svet a formovanie intelektuálov)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 339-341.
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(Original title: Druhý kongres Rakúskej filozofickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 341-342.
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(Original title: Projekt vyučovania filozofie na Katedre filozofie a dejín filozofie FFUK v Bratislave)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 343-345.
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(Original title: Filozofia a genetika)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 346-348.
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(Original title: O Kantovej Kritike súdnosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 348-350.
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(Original title: Trendy utvárania informačnej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 351-353.
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(Original title: Sociálna filozofia)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 353-356.
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(Original title: Akí sme boli a akí sme chceli byť)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 357-359.
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(Original title: Päťdesiat rokov od založenia Filozofického zborníka)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 359-360.
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(Original title: Subjektívne a objektívne možnosti rozvoja filozofie)
Filozofia, 45 (1990), 3, 360-362.
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