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Volume 53 (1998), 5


(Original title: Ohlas novovekej sekularizácie a krízy teológie na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 269-285.

The Christian, and especially the Lutheran theological thought has changed dramatically after the World War II. The notion of the God of the Bible became more "democratic", the most important, however, were the efforts of theology in solving the problems of everyday life. These developments gave rise to the ecumenic movement, while the need of world peace has been… Read more

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(Original title: Ekonomická racionalita a svet hodnôt)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 286-298.

The neoclassical economy is dominated by the principle of rationality, i.e. by the assumption, that the economical subject makes his/her decisions so as to maximize his/her own utility. Would the notion of the economic rationality as a value neutral characteristic of behaviour then be justifiable, or would the economic rationality be compatible with taking into… Read more

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(Original title: Rousseau, Kant a problém spoločenskej zmluvy)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 299-305.

The paper aims at a historical-philosophical examination of the relationship between Rousseau's and Kant's philosophies of state and law. It describes Rousseau's long wav from his first treatise up to his Social contract and his searching for the real grounds of political societies and law. Attention is paid to Kant's reception of the problematic of the… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Kriesenie sociológie na stránkach Filozofického časopisu)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 306-314.
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(Original title: O historických koreňoch akulturačných stretov dvoch krajne protikladných civilizácií)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 315-321.
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(Original title: Model človeka ako aktívneho organizmu a teórie životných cieľov)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 322-327.
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(Original title: O přátelství slovenských a moravských myslitelů)
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 328-329.
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(Original title: Kant a filozofia dejín (Ľ. Belás))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 330-332.
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(Original title: Podnikanie a etika (A. Remišová))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 332-334.
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(Original title: Európske politické a právne myslenie (A. Kršková))
Filozofia, 53 (1998), 5, 334-336.
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