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Volume 54 (1999), 2


(Original title: Kreačno-evolučná a pneumaticko-ontologická interpretácia základnej slobody a zodpovednej slobody)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 73-80.

The paper is a summary of the author's studies in the ontological basis of freedom. The author argues, that the Christian conception of freedom and its conception in the philosophy of the 20th century converge and make the understanding of man s freedom as the transcendental condition of all his spiritual activity possible. Further, he explains, how the concetps… Read more

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(Original title: Ontologický problém sveta vo filozofii Edmunda Husserl)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 81-90.

Already in the first half of this century Edmund Husserl outlined the crisis of the European humankind related to the crisis of sciences. Due to the mathematization of nature the link with the original basis, i. e. the natural world, broke down. The result was the split into the objective world of mathematic entities on one hand and the natural world of our life,… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Politický liberalizmus Johna Rawlsa)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 91-102.
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(Original title: Divadlo absurdity: potrebuje ho moderná fyzika?)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 103-113.
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(Original title: Spoločenská funkcia filozofie)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 114-125.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Filozofia výchovy a problémy vyučovania filozofie)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 126-127.
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(Original title: Jak žít smysluplně (P. Singer))
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 128-130.
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(Original title: O filozofii dejín (R. Dupkala)
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 131-132.
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(Original title: Americká filozofia umenia v rusku (B.Dziemidok - В. V. Orlov))
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 133-135.
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(Original title: Historický typ racionality ako zrkadlo svojej doby (V. Černík, J. Viceník, E. Višňovský))
Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 135-137.
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