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Volume 59 (2004), 10


(Original title: Slovanstvo ako európanstvo: Štěpan Launer a jeho predstava modernizácie)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 697-706.

The paper gives an account of Štěpan Launer’s conception od modernization as developed in his work The Nature of Slavdom. The theoretical background of the paper is the distinction between national-emancipatory project, based on ethnic identity, and the modernization project, which focused on education and shared political (civic) identity indifferent to… Read more

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(Original title: Fragmenty z histórie Philosophica slovaca)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 707-714.

An inseparable part of the history of the philosophical thought in Slovakia is also a short term existence of the year-book Philosophica slovaca. A scientific periodical published by the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, appeared for the first time in 1946, as the second Slovak philosophical periodical in a short period… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofický systém tzv. psychizmu Michaela Petöcza)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 715-726.

The philosophical production in our region in the 19th century developed in two lines: the school philosophy (in form of various text books an compendiums) and the works, which in contemporary terminology could be called applied philosophy. The first attempts at the original in the frame of so called “national philosophy” remained without a considerable achievment… Read more

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(Original title: Slovenské (filozofické) myslenie medzi tradíciou a modernou)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 727-739.

The author points to the power of traditionalism in Slovak cultural – spiritual milieu and to the rise of the intellectual modernity in the Slovak thought in 17th – 20th centuries (beginning with Bayerian baconism to Hrušovský’s scientism). There is a continuity (although with some gaps) of alternating between tradition and modernity. The problem of this… Read more

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(Original title: Pohľad na tvorbu Miroslava Kusého v období normalizácie)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 740-756.

The papers discusses the philosophically relevant issues in the work of M. Kusý during the normalization period in Slovakia (1969 – 1989). This period had two distinctive parts: the pre-Charter and Charter ones. The paper focuses on the latter: At that time M. Kusý was especially concerned with critical analysis of the ideology and practice of the so called “real… Read more

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(Original title: "Odklínanie povestí" ako hľadanie národnej identity (Koncept Pavla Dobšinského))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 757-765.

The paper examines the Slovak folk-tales collected and written by Slovak Renaissance writer Pavol Dobšinský. In his work the author of the paper does not see only an implicit philosophy, symptomatic for literary works or reflections, but also explicit philosophical formulations and attitudes. The author thinks, that Dobšinský followed Hegel’s explanation of… Read more

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(Original title: Ideový prínos Novej školy do národotvorného myslenia)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 10, 766-782.

In the middle of the 19th century the nation building elites using Slovak language have undergone an important political differentiation. One part of previously united emancipatory movment, which has arisen mainly under the influence of Hegel’s philosophy of history and its Štúrian interpretation, formed into a new political-philosophical alternative. Its program… Read more

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