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Volume 62 (2007), 2


(Original title: Plotinova koncepcia Jedna a jej jazyk)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 91-109.

The subject of the paper, Plotinus’ theory of the One, is situated on the intersection of a systematic investigation and a text analysis and interpretation belonging to the area of the history of philosophy. The motif to work on this issue was the absence of a systematic analysis of the specificity of Plotinus’ philosophical theory and its unique mode of… Read more

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(Original title: Náčrt kontrapozície preferenčnej a nepreferenčnej lásky v diele Sørena Kierkegaarda)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 110-121.

The counter-position of the preferential and non-preferential love was elaborated by Kierkegaard to separate Christian love to one’s neighbor from love to a beloved person, friend or another preferential object of love. Kierkegaard publicly declared himself a religious and Christian author. Therefore, it is the conception of Christian love, which is the… Read more

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(Original title: O dvoch chybách Popperovej teórie pravdeblízkosti)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 122-135.

The paper deals with two mistakes ascribed to Popper’s theory of verisimilitude. The first is the well known critique of Popper’s qualitative definition of verisimilitude produced independently by D. Miller and P. Tichý which argues that that definition is false. The second is the claim that due to Popper’s theory of verisimilitude and his theory of corroboration… Read more

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(Original title: „Bildwissenschaft“ – na prahu novej vedy?)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 136-141.

About ten years ago the literary William J. T. Mitchell and the literary historian Gottfried Boehm declared the iconic turn in all sciences, which should have rehabilitated picture as a specific form of constructing meaning, independent of language. Their inspiration was the linguistic turn in philosophy and sciences in the 20th century. Thereby they brought to… Read more

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(Original title: O kráľovstve. Prvá kniha (8. – 16. kapitola); Druhá kniha (1. – 4. kapitola))
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 142-163.
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Philosophy in the School Desk

(Original title: Autonómia vôle ako základ morálneho konania)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 164-175.

Most ethicians consider to be the autonomy the fundamental condition of moral action. In the context of various ethical theories the concept of autonomy achieves various meanings. The aim of the paper is to show, how the idea of autonomy established itself in moral philosophy. It pays attention also to different conceptions of autonomy: beginning with its… Read more

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(Original title: Funkcia psychologických pojmov pri interpretácii (P. Koťátko))
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 176-178.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Globalizácia vo svetle rozdielnych filozofických tradícií (Interim World Philosophy Congress, New Delhi, 15. – 17. decembra 2006))
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 179-181.
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(Original title: Filozofovať po novom (Správa z medzinárodného kolokvia))
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 181-182.
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(Original title: Pozvánka na konferenciu Igor Hrušovský – osobnosť slovenskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 62 (2007), 2, 183.
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